Need a Leader Saga Continues

:100: battle tag is DeathLeagacy#11118 I have a mic! That’s the good news!! Bad news is, I already messed up, by playing by myself, and ranked bronze 4 in support when I DEF should have ranked at the VERY least Gold 5. Playing by myself is like talking to a brick wall, and anytime I find a good mate, I can’t add them because I keep getting this 50001 error for requesting friends… and it happens like on and off— so weird. That said, please add me. I still need to rank for dps and tank— I will probably have a shot at Gold with help. Either way, I’m looking for a good team to play with. Preferably with players who know the maps, and someone who has good game sense that can boss me around. Looking for a leader; once again, because I’m unsure what happened to my other post and haven’t heard back from anyone since I posted it. Add me, message me, whisper, whatever… PLEASE. I’m desperate af :dash:

Hey I added you from your last post. Let me know when you would like to play! Would you like to receive invites whenever I see you’re on too?

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Thanks so much!! Yes! I appreciate it a lot! I will listen to you guys going forward, hoping to get a good sense of each other playing as a nice lil team together! Had a lot of fun playing the other night with you guys!! I’ve been aim trains all afternoon!

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