Name something old OW players will know

Hell at Launch, his Revolver had the range of a Sniper Rifle.

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Actually no. His range was not far at launch, it was buffed shortly after launch and then nerfed. But still further than launch. - 7/19/2016


  • Now maintains full damage at longer distances, but will deal less damage at extreme ranges. - 7/26/2016


  • Primary Fire
    • Damage falloff range decreased by 10 meters.
    • Damage falloff amount is unchanged.
    • As a result, even with this change, McCree’s effective range is still higher than it was at launch.

Hog not being able to move during “take a breather”


Sure that’s old, but only OW boomers will remember the “everybody is shielded!” voice line.


In the days of Overwatch’s closed beta, Bastion has a personal barrier that deployed in front of it when using Sentry.

Tbh i feel like they should bring this back since we now have avoid a teammate

Lobbies in quick play would stick together for a few matches in a row without being thrown back into the matchmaker.


5 Tracers was a viable strat back then

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Oh how I miss those days

This game used to actually be really fun.

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I remember, a Tracer once did this exploit to prevent the omnics from spawning… Then, once we were closing in on the door, i assume she was happy to see us and stepped away from the door to greet us, Spawning all the enemies at once. Needless to say, it did not end well for us.

On the topic of Tracer exploits in PvE, there was a bug where you could use recall while standing on a talon dropship in retribution to get out of bounds… Although, this just made you drop on the invisible ‘‘roof’’/skybox of the map. Can’t remember exactly if this had any grand benefits, but i believe it would allow you to get a higher score because you could skip the section from the bridge to the art gallery and get straight to the extraction process.

Tried it for myself once, and the door of the mansion (in front of the bridge) would not open, and no enemies would spawn. My team mates were (unfortunately) forced to kill themselves because their AFK timers were kicking in.

When Shatter used to have an after effect after the animation had completed.

I didn’t have Overwatch back then, but that looked stupid, even as a Rein main.

never went live but Bastian shield

People used to think that Deadeye was OP…

Orisa used to have a 900hp barrier. 🥲


The game used to be balanced with multiple heros coming out each year.


It was even before my time, but Widowmaker’s ultimate was her inflatable butt.

  • Hook 1.0 going through space and time
  • Devs nerfing things in 3 days instead of 3 months
  • R E P O S I T I O N I N G
  • The old Eich chokes
  • Junk self damage

People were trying to actually better themselves and learn, instead of blaming everything else (ofc its not something all people do, but it increased over time).
Maybe its just like this in my memory tho

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Simple Geometry.