NA 3450 Peak Flex Support - Looking for Main Support/Tanks

Hey there.

I mainly play Ana and move to Zen or Bap if needed. I’ve come close to hitting masters on support purely solo queuing and would like to create a friends list of solid mains support and main tank players that are looking to climb out of diamond.

Hopefully you enjoy playing the following heroes.
MS - Lucio, Mercy, Brig
MT - Winston, Rein

I believe that having a solid second support and good communication with a main tank is a key to success at this rank and beyond.

Looking for Diamond players only, maybe low masters but I think it would be more satisfying to reach masters as a team.

Please feel free to add me and if you see me online send me a message…


Flex Support Main - Overheels#1232

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks having a solid second support is key to success in competitive. In fact, it’s the reason why I don’t like playing by myself. I have more fun playing with a support friend.

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Hey Folks

Overheels is a smurf account, Placid Mouse is my main. Overheels was the highest-ranked at the time of this original post, therefore I thought it would be the most likely to hit Masters. I managed to hit Masters solo queuing on my main (this one… PlacidMouse #2534) so anyone that added Overheels feel free to add this account too. I’m going to be moving soon so I might be away for a couple of weeks but hopefully, I’ll have a better connection after the move.