[n00b question] -10 & -14 SR Points for Losses, Is This Normal?

Greetings, everyone and i hope that everyone is well.

Season 20 is almost at its conclusion, I hope that you all had a good time.
I had some time yesterday and decided to solo queue some games and managed to squeeze in 7 games over 2 sessions.

The second session of 3 games was a little weird.
Won 1st game, hit a season high of 1198 SR points (+27, iirc).

Lost 2nd Game, had a -10 to 1188 points. It was arguably the best game individually i ever had with over 30 elimins and maybe 7 deaths. Had gold for Elimins, Damage, Objective Kills and Objective Time. It was a good close game. Pity that it was a loss but thoroughly enjoyable.

Lost 3rd game, it was just a horrible mess with 2 Korean squeakers chatting incessantly over the chat playing PharMercy and had a damage Moira.
Red Team pretty much bulldozed us. -14 SR to 1174

Anyway, I was quite taken aback by the deduction in SR points because i was expecting the typical -25.

I had encountered this once and only once in Season 14 and was told that it was a bug. So has anyone else experienced this before?

Just asking to satiate my curious nature.

Thank you in advance.


Sounds like your mmr was higher than your sr, hence the low sr loss and high sr gain.


Thanks for the reply, hanzoswitch.

Because i believe that i am teh suckz and Bronze is my true level, this is just a little weird for me.

Nevertheless, appreciate the reply. =)


I’m still down to do coaching if you’d like

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If you didnt have leavers, you actualy played well and your mmr is possibly higher than SR so if you keep doing good job, you will most likely climb.


Thanks, buddy. Appreciate the offer and Xion previous ones as well.
I am a grizzled, washed out old man in my mid-40s with too much work, too little sleep to take you up on your generous offer.
Definitely appreciate the offer of your time, my friend. =D

Hey Xion. Hope all has been well for you, buddy.

No, in both the -10 and -14 games, we had no leavers.
Of course, i have had leavers before and typically, it was -17 to -19 for such games (Season 19).

Maybe for the 1st loss with the 4 golds i think i did ok.
For the 2nd loss, it was just one of those games which leaves one literally shaking in frustration, if you know what i mean. So the -14 was a huge surprise…
Anyway, if you are inclined, the stats are here:

Thanks for the kind words also. +1
Season 20 is ending in a few hours and i have lots of work to do so i guess we will see in Season 21 =)


I’ll take the rest, but if that all changes then this isnt an excuse :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: theres someone i see in my games occasionally named “Dadinreallife” and i dont think I’ve ever seen him be below grandmaster. I havent asked him his actual age but I know it’s up there, dont give up!


ha ha ha! Thanks for the kind words, my friend.
Yes, unfortunately or fortunately, real life interrupts for those of us in our 40s with work, family and many other things, especially running one’s own business and having 2 children at different crucial stages of their lives. Long gone are the days i could sit and game for the whole night. Hence, my shift from cRPGs and MMORPGs to games like OW which i can get in for a quick fix. Certainly, to be fair, OW is just as demanding on time and effort as a MMORPG if one wants to “git gud” and i respect that, definitely.

That is certainly cool!
There is another guy on the forum, “bestpapa” if i am not wrong, also GM or maybe Top 500 who is a father irl as well.
Truth be told, i was a father when i was 28 so “dadinreallife” could be in his mid- to late 20s or like “bestpapa” in his 30s which is still very acceptable. I was still playing amateur league baskteball well into my late 30s!

Thing is, although age is not an excuse because there are those in their 40s and older in Platinum and above, i have to admit that i have never played a competitive FPS before OW. So it is like having to retrain all those decades of muscle memory and (lack of) hand eye co-ordination as well as habits.

Still, it has been an enjoyable ride and i am certainly learning new things about competitive FPS games and their mental/physical requirements.

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Higher MMR than SR or really above average individual performance for your sr, it’s not so common to have sr losses so low, but it’s okay for your rank I think.

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When you’re near the edges of the SR range, the gains and losses start to skew in order to prevent you from hitting the caps. This means lesser gains in GM and lesser losses in Bronze.

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Thanks for the reply, PrimeAssasin.

Personally, i doubt that my MMR is higher than my SR.
I had always been in Bronze/Silver and it is not like i turned into Yeatle or Harbleu overnight. So i cannot possibly imagine how the MMR could have skewed to such an extent.

Performance, probably, i suppose.
The average stats for the last 3 games with the -10 and -14 SR games can be seen here. So i suppose that i did well in those losses.

So it has occurred before and it is not a bug like what was mentioned by other forumers previously?

Also, don’t mind me asking and i am not being facetious but what did you mean by “for your rank”? Are there a lot of such fluctuations in Bronze?

Thanks for replying, Slyther0829! Much appreciated.
So am i understanding this accurately, as i get closer to the SR threshold into the next level; either higher or lower and in this case, Bronze being the lowest, I am losing less SR so as to prevent me from hitting that < 500SR mark?
If that is the case, then this is opposite for what the others have mentioned?

Yes, mostly. It isn’t really impacted by any tiers or arbitrary threshold. The overall ladder ranges from 0 SR (bottom of Bronze) to 5000 (top of GM). You literally can not go beyond those two values without literally breaking something, so when you get too close, the system tries to bump you back towards the middle a little.

Fun fact: When comp was first released, we didn’t have the <500 SR mark, you could literally drop all the way down to 0. Naturally, we had a number of people who thought it’d be cool to purposely throw down to 0 SR (that’s why they stopped showing it once you dip below 500). But because of it, we got to see the system actively try to prevent them from hitting the bottom cap, and it got so ridiculous at the end that you could literally AFK a match and you’d lose like 3 SR on a loss and gain like 30 on a win. This is also why in GM, everyone has a pretty good winrate, because you literally have to win multiple matches in order to make up for a single loss if you want to stay in that rank. The system really doesn’t want people maxing out their SR.

For most players, that factor doesn’t really come into play because the system has no reason to try and push you away from a cap, which is why I’m assuming the others didn’t mention it. It’s just not that common.

That said what the others said is also all true. For most ranks (including Bronze), your gains are impacted directly by performance. Doing well will raise your MMR, and your SR gains will skew towards catching up. Don’t let me take that away from you, if you do well, you will be rewarded. What probably happened is a combination of a couple factors, most of which we probably don’t even know about due to Blizz being hush hush about most of it.


Thanks for the very detailed explanation, Slyther0829.
You didn’t have to but you did. It is really very much appreciated. Too bad, i can only +1 and +10 or more.

So if i am going to spin this in a more positive (self pat on back), for some obscure reason my MMR has increased and despite losses, “it” may think that i should be placed a little higher so it is decreasing my SR losses so that it can bump me up to a more accurate SR?

Anyway, this occurrence was just 2 games and the season is at an end.
So it probably would be back to square one come S21 with the appropriate SR losses. Heh.

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I see you’re an old school mmorpg player like me haha I play this game for exactly the same reason, lack of time. I feel like the older you get, days get shorter and shorter. As I always say, rank doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy your time playing the game. There is always someone higher, no point worrying about it unless your full time job is to play this game.


Sure but that doesn’t happened around 1000SR. Even around 650SR, if you’re playing poorly, you’re gonna lose more SR on a loss and win less SR on a win.
The cap isn’t >500. It’s totally possible to reach >500. And, when you’re >500, you’re still losing SR but you just can’t see it.

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Yes sir, i certainly am. So i suppose that we are both in the same age demographic or thereabouts ( i am 44 this year).
I recall the days of Ultima Online and Everquest were the MMOs to play although i did not play because i was too focused on my undergrad studies then and also did not have access to a credit card.
My first official MMO was Final Fantasy XI.

/high five!

Aye. The days are long but the years are short.
Though the days be long, it be the weariness of labour and pain and not of the joy of play and pleasure.

Yes, definitely.
I enjoy the game tremendously and was very surprised that i did. I only picked it up to play with my daughter and chaperone her online, if necessary. She has quite the game because she found the community not to her liking but i am still playing!
I think that all the angst over Ranking is just so much hubris.
Honestly, as you mentioned, who cares unless you are making a living out of this.
For example, the only people who care if one is a good basketball player in the D.League or the NBA or overseas leagues are the ones trying to earn money and the ones trying to earn money off the player. Sure, i would be impressed in someone told me that he is a National or International level player but that means nothing off the court. Similarly, one can tell me that he is a T500 in OW but what does that mean outside of the game? Nothing at all.

It is all simply hubris and that is why i am contented to play within Bronze or Sliver or Gold or whatever tier my ability brings me. So long as i am having a good competitive game and am contributing to the team, it is all good.
Once i log out of OW, my SR is irrelevant… the only number which is relevant is that in my bank account and my company’s finances! heh!

Thanks for the conversation, hanzoswitch! =)


My pleasure! It’s really difficult to find a player who actually enjoys playing instead of crying about bunch of stuffs. My rank is a bit higher but let me know if you wanna play together sometimes.

Oh BTW, I played the hell out of Ultima but my all time favorite is MU Online!

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Sorry for the late reply, hanzoswitch.
Weekends are actually the busiest time of the week for me with regards to work.

Thanks, buddy.
I suppose that once a person reaches a certain age and stage in life, with their accompanying responsibilities; things like these (OW) are just trivial distractions albeit a passion. To be honest, if i find something to be no longer enjoyable or worthy of my attention, i just walk away to the next thing - whining and crying like a brat achieves nothing, after all.

Sure! If you don’t think that i would be a dead weight and the opportunity allows, we can do some Arcade or QP games. Probably Arcade is best because the MMR is rather loose. I recall once, i was grouped against a OWL player in No Limits. I just sat back and just watched him demolish us. XD

The only issue is with the latency. I live in Singapore. The funny thing is that previously when i group with friends from the U.S., they would be pulled over to the South-East Asia servers and they will get like 200+ ms. However, if i am grouped with more than 1 US player, i would be pulled to the U.S. servers and so far, it has been a playable 180 ms ping on the West Coast.

That is a Korean MMO, right? I have never played those FTP MMOs before.
My all time fav would be Lord of the Rings Online and i was one of the Founding Members with a lifetime sub (of course, now it is FTP) and i have very very fond memories of FFXI. Now, that is a hardcore MMO.

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Haha latency won’t be a problem, I live in Japan. I have few friends we enjoy playing together, you can join us any time! We only play comp though.

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Wow! Excellent that you are in JP! So you would be on the Asia servers?

Eh… i am a Bronzer so that would be an issue because of the SR difference?