Mythic Animations

Small rant but I don’t understand why when playing mythic Moira her orbs with the eyes don’t show that way to the enemy team. Anyone notice any other mythic animations that show different to the enemy?


It’s for recognizability, and it’s that way for both teams, you are the only one able to see the eyes on orbs.

Imagine if they made Lifeweaver’s petal platform look like a giant rune that had these floating letters coming from the petal for his Cleric skin. To ordinary players they won’t recognize what the hell it is, so they only make the animation change for the person playing the hero.

(This is also the reason why they don’t change how petal looks cosmetically, which makes me mad as it never matched his skins like Sym TP and Torb turret does)


OW already has too much going on. Imagine that every skin had an effect on what an ability looks like. It works for some things like Hanzos dragons that turn to wolves, but normal abilities should stay the same, at least for the enemy team.