Myth Busting & tips guide for Bastion

The poor omnic is not getting too much play and because of that I see quite a lot of myths about it.
So why not making some things a bit more clear in that post to help players understand how the play it better and understand what to do against it.

  • Widowmaker isn’t a counter for Bastion Widowmaker requires headshots and one shots in order to be most effective, 2 things she can’t do to Bastion while Bastion can interrupt her shots. Countering usually refers to which player can reduce the value of which without reducing its own value too much, and Bastion has the edge here… Not to mention Bastion can pretty easily out heal her damage making her much much weaker against it compared to other match ups the hero has.

  • Bastion can survive and kill more than you think… Sentry has the potential to survive many ultimates most people aren’t aware of and instead reposition and die in recon mode: pulse bomb, meteor strike, Hammond’s mines, Tank mode,Primal rage are all examples for stuff like that.
    You can also kills some ultimates like valkyrie, beat or B.O.B really quickly.

  • Tracer isn’t a counter for Bastion as well Dive is strong on Bastion for sure, but Tracer isn’t. Her primary fire is super weak on Bastion, each pallet does 2.4 damage down from 6 (1/3 of the damage due to armor and passive), Bastion can survive a pulse bomb, and Bastion’s sentry primary fire can track her well making her low hp even more problematic especially when combined with its high damage…

  • Bastion isn’t as team reliant as most people make it look like Due to Bastion’s lack of mobility the hero ofcourse needs its team while facing some off angles like Hanzo or Ana. But the hero a lot of time can be fine just standing near a corner and hide behind it when needed while its team is fighting in the front (which is why a configuration time reduce would be such an important buff for it). People need to remember due to its low survive ability, corners are your safest place to play near. Not the payload, not the point- corners.

  • Rein isn’t always the answer I saw a lot of times, players even in high ranks such as diamond peeking Reinhardt,Zarya or Hog against Bastion and then blame their dps for not doing the job… Bastion has ton of damage and so claiming space slowly isn’t really an option. Either flank on use dive but never walk slowly. is your best option most of the times due to her matrix working on time rather than on hp.

  • Heal vs Damage I see a lot of times, people heal as Bastion instead of doing damage. People need to keep in mind Bastion’s heal is 90 healing per second. If you fight one player than sure, but if the enemies do more than 90 damage, use your 450 damage per second… it’s 5X more effective and would deny the damage better than the healing.

  • Targeting priorities Bastion is big, immobile and very easy to focus down. While enemies attack you, make sure to focus down the enemy who does most damage first… I know it’s easier hitting a big Reinhardt but if all he does is 75 damage per second, it might be better to focus Reaper behind you that deal most of the damage. As Bastion it’s more important than most other heroes to understand which hero to shoot first. Usually the easier ones are the ones you want to focus last like Doomfist or Hammond.

  • Tank mode is a finisher move Bastion is great against tanks but not as good against most dps… Tank mode mixes things up making it the other way around with tank mode being pretty terrible on tanks but amazing on dps. Try to utilize high ground and tank jumps in order to get the easier picks on enemies’ dps behind cover. direct hits are pretty hard so high grounds also helps by allowing you to get splash damage on missed shots

  • Try not to reload Similar to most enemies with 2 weapons. Repositioning allows you to reload one form in the other form, if you’re out of bullets for sentry, try going for recon, shoot ~4 shots and then come back to sentry for refilled ammo.

  • Sentry is immune to knockback I feel like a lot of people forget Bastion is immune to knockback and find themselves in problematic situations… Rocket punch, lucio’s boops, concusive blast- all don’t work on sentry mode. Use it.

Hope these tips and myth busting help. I hope you’d get the most out of the hero :slight_smile:


Is Genji a Bastion counter? :thinking:

I believe so, and Hanzo too
Even some tanks can counter bastion with proper decision making

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In a team environment yes.

Deflect allows you to put some heavy pressure even if Bastion stops shooting, it also stalls time allowing your team to attack for longer and has dash combined with double jumps to mess aim (unlike Tracer’s blinks where you just follow the light, Genji moved in 360 degrees making it very problematic to track especially when dash messes the aim as well)
It allows Genji to reach the users head box all while Genji himself isn’t weak to armor.

I wouldn’t say Genji is the best Bastion counter out of them all but in a team environment he indeed proves himself well.

Best dps counter is probably Hanzo… A lot of poke damage not allowing for Bastion to put enough pressure on his own, shots that are much stronger on armor compared to most heroes in the game if not more and storm arrows the completely melt Bastion.


If I’m support, and Bastion is killing us, am I better off at having Ana, Bap & or Zen?

Because I personally go Ana to keep him slept and then we usually kill him or he’s forced to get protected or move.

Bap has dmg, and the field helps last a bit longer

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It depends on your composition and what the enemies offer.

If you have a free shot at Bastion as it’s not protected. Best support would have to be Ana (sleep denies the damage, and anti nade denies the heal) and Zenyatta (discord increase pressure on it from all of your team and your shots not only are effective on armor but also very bursty overall.)

If you have dive, I would recommend Lucio for speed boost and 2nd support depends on the situation… If enemies have protection- use Mercy as she can go with you and provide a bit of help and if not, Ana would probably work well for sleep.

Baptiste can work overall, but the thing is that if you peek. You don’t really need immortality because Bastion can’t one shot anyone, and you have the time to heal your team. It can work great if you have some heavy damage consistent hero like Soldier:76 or another Bastion but usually I would recommend more Ana,Zen & Lucio as much as possible.

Dive is usually more recommended if you have the choice since in dive tanks can help as well while in poke only dps and support have the option.

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Okay cool

Whenever I do see bastions playing corners like you suggest. I always get them with sleep.

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Well I’m bad so… Tracer is a counter to me lol. I hate fighting her I can’t keep up

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I’ve been trying to use Sigma to counter Bastion with only moderate success. I usually try to hit Accretion to knock him out of sentry mode, and follow up with some hyperspheres to damage. It only really works when my DPS follow up on my accretion hit.

Any thoughts on this? Is it a valid tactic or am I wasting my time?

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Sigma is very good against Bastion because of accretion canceling sentry mode, as well as grasp punishing sentry mode like deflect or defense matrix. It just wastes Bastion’s time trying to grind through Sigma’s defenses and bait out his abilities, which makes him fairly useless if he’s just walking around in recon mode waiting for Sigma to go away.

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The tank picks make me absolutely mental against Bastion. You see half the people going double shield against the ULTIMATE shield break hero.

Pick Hog and hook him out or pick DVA and dive with another dps. There will be no single switch hero that counters him. You need a coordinated attack, which is why he loves low rank, because you can’t even get people to GROUP, never mind coordinate anything.

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In some maps yes, similar to, your kinetic grasp can be pretty helpful and a bonus tip I can give you for that is that the bonus 400 temporary shields would let you use Accretion without losing any of your normal hp. (It takes 0.65 seconds while Bastion does 450 damage per seconds)

The problems are like you said the need for dps to follow up but also the lack of mobility and damage… Sigma is very bursty having a lot of damage per shot but using his shots very rarely.
Because of that he has a damage total of 69.3 damage per second which is really low…

Another problem is lack of mobility, Sigma doesn’t have the range or the mobility to reach Bastion too easily making your life much much harder…

Another big factor is that even during Sigma’s ult which can be pretty effective, Bastion can melt you down fairly quickly- making the ult much harder.

I wouldn’t say it’s useless as it has its benefits. But do take in mind Hog has the same mobility but can actually kill Bastion using a cc similar to Sigma’s but with more damage from the hook combo.
Hog also got the upper hand in term of ult as Bastion’s immunity to cc makes Hog’s whole hog much more valuable. (Bastion doesn’t move so you can quickly put up to 4928 on an immobile target with the ult. )

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