But this game relies too much on cheese comps and 99% of the time the other team can’t overcome them, or they give them too much of an advantage and the game is practically over.
Things you will not convince me out of no matter how many times the same people post it:
It doesn’t have to have the entire roster be available to a team to be a mystery, nor does the randomness make it more fun. You could simply have a Mystery Classic if you wanted to have pure mystery, and suffer from the unbalanced comps 90% of the time.
Mystery Heroes is one of the most played modes and deserves to be balanced or fun at least 99% of the time. Since the Matchmaking obviously doesn’t care about it, the least blizzard could do is actually give both teams the chance to win depending on what they get.
Ideally, the solution would be to make every single comp viable, from 6 widows vs 6 reinharts or 6 junkrats vs 6 Pharahs. If thats’ not possible (its not) then the alternative is to make the game tend toward balanced comps for each team and not give one team 3 shields/bastions/healers and the other team 1 wrecking ball and 5 dps.
Getting stomped isn’t fun. Never has been. Its why there are leavers in the first place, and why smurf accounts are so numerous. Fix your game, don’t band-aid it and hope people buy the next one.
I mean I wrote up a big post on how to fix it, but then I ended up realizing that that’s the benefit of Mystery Heroes.
It’s almost deliberately an anti-tryhard mode.
Where even the scrubbiest of newbs, or laziest players can hang out and have some fun.
There’s plenty of tryhard modes, but this is the “chill vibes” mode.
Mystery mode is literally RNG game mode. You’re gonna have to turn off victory or defeat because you’re not in control beyond the hero controls.
Try hard or not everybody still has an objective when playing the game….And there’s nothing less fun than basically a “game over”/“fun over” button at the start of the match (or middle or end it doesn’t really matter)
And I’ve mentioned it quite often in my posts about this, it’s not about wins and losses…. It’s about The game itself being broken instantaneously by one stupid mechanic
I wouldn’t mind it going 2-2-2 type setup because you wouldn’t get a three cow, Bastion, and two angels comp
Maybe the goal is to get rid of objective based tryhard players, and to just focus on the gunplay, with no huge consequences for playing badly on a hero you don’t know.
Feel like there’s other modes better suited for that which may or may not include the training modes
Coincidentally I had a bunch of replays ready to showcase in yet another post but Patches that like to delete my replays almost always happens right when I have them
I just wish it followed the 2-2-2 for mystery heroes as well and swap between the roles. Disable rez in the mode. Maybe auto switch heroes if you’ve lived too long as that hero
There is no “No tryharding allowed mode”, only modes with more RNG than others. I can get the same effect by randomly chosing a person in quickplay or no limits. The result in the same, choose a poorly matched character and the game is over.
The solution is either More RNG in which we need options not available in regular games, like powerups, or random weapons/speeds/etc.
Or less, so that the enjoyment of the game isn’t one-sided.
I would just prevent duplicates. That’s it. No more than one of any hero on one team. I would play it if it was that way. As it is now, I avoid it like plague.
But that’s me.
Actually I do this in Quickplay with my second account. Whatever character the game puts me on, I play the entire match. Even if its not something I’m good at. The real benefit there is that I force myself to learn that hero, learn to deal with its counters and how to counter others. But that’s only in QP that I do this. It’s my version of Mystery Heroes. But if MH was like this, I would play it too.
Mystery heros, sometimes you are the windshield, sometimes the bug.
It’s fine as is.
Does it throw things at you causing you a severe disadvantage? Yes. But if you want more agency to effect such situations, play a different game mode that does not reduce your options to do so.
The solution to a bad game is not “play another game”… its what happens when you don’t fix the bad game.