Then why don’t I get Mercy more?
I have a suspicion the mystery heroes has more logic than we are aware of and that our classes we get are not really all that random. At times, it just seems too lucky for one side or too unlucky for another.
If your request is to change it so it more evenly gives you each hero then you are asking it be LESS random. Not more.
I’d like it to have some logic to balance teams by class type. Like always have a ratio of tanks, healers, dps up. At least you will have to play a random healer or tank and it would still be random. It would avoid the whole “RNG Christmas” scenario. It’s so unfun when the best player in the match is the RNG.
I just played 7 games and tracked every character I got… and somehow accidentally deleted all of it :I
But of those 7 games, I got 3 games where I had a repeat. 2x with Pharah, and once with Roadhog.
I did terrible with Pharah, and did decently enough with Roadhog for how long I played him.
With Pharah, one time we were losing, second time we had control of the point.
With Roadhog, we were pushing the payload.
Random is random.
It’s like how when people roll dice, some times you can get the same number time and time again.
Edit - It was in a different tab.
I then proceeded to accidentally exit out of said tab.