This isn’t a thread to brag about ability or cry about RNG, I’m just genuinely curious about players win/loss ratios in Mystery Heroes.
Legit, looking at other consistent MH players I see 70%+ won rates as well
I expect mine to be slightly higher than normal (maybe) given I play exclusively play MH outside of events
So, overall how are you at Mystery Heroes, and what ls your advice (if any) on the whor for specific characters?
Myself : atm dropped to 77% win rat
General : Trickling will destroy any team and focus on survival
Character:… Uh…Reaper, learn to get in and out, hop and aim Down for better headshot spread, Run Away! Like a hero
Edit: for those interested my win rate is ( per in game stats as others mentioned)
Win %: 1467/1901 for ~77%
Additionally someone mentioned time on mains
My top 3 heroes Are:
Edit 2: main reason for possible post, searches for MH resulted in threads complaining of less than 50% win rate
Around 60% win rate. Hope the tryhard robots work on my team better than the tryhard robots on the other team.
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You can see this statistic?
I honestly could care less as it’s a random mode with random heroes and as intended, I play it for fun.
But good for you…?
Ummm… 76.9%
You can see how many games you played, won and lost.
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Which option do I pick. I can see ‘games won’ and ‘win percentage.’
I’m guessing OP means for the individual heroes (and not an average of all combined but I’m sure you could calculate that yourself).
I’d argue the more games the closer this gets to 50% which means I view the OP’s claim with a high amount of skepticism.
Click Stats at the top
Select MH in the game type dropdown on the far left.
oh, i didn’t notice that till you pointed it out. Here’s my statistic for MH
EDIT: I did the math and it is 73.4% on a huge losing streak during Tracer’s comic skin event. Lots of new/returning players really want that skins.
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Thanks, it seems win % is by hero tho and not an average for the mode as it only appears when a hero is selected.
Maybe OP is right and some people have high %. That said I’m sure people get more than average value out of their mains as the enemy can’t counter pick which makes the claim somewhat moot.
Huh, I never even knew that “Statistics” screen existed until now. Looks like my overall win rate for Mystery Heroes is 77.35%.
I’m assuming that’s wrong in some way, maybe filtering out backfill losses or something. I wouldn’t doubt that I win significantly more often than not, since there aren’t that many higher-level players who play the mode, but nearly 4 out of 5 matches? That seems rather unlikely.
My general advice other than stuff that applies to all modes would be: If your team composition sucks, don’t spend the whole match fighting over health packs and trying to survive with your crappy composition, especially on offense. Play aggressively, and if possible trade lives for the opponents’ strongest heroes (healers/tanks/Bastion/Mei) to give yourselves chances to re-roll into a winnable state.
It doesn’t show the percentage, but you can do the math for Games Won / Games Played.
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The math says 74.7% win rate, but that just feels wrong. There seems to be something fishy going on with the recordkeeping.
I know the feeling. I thought my win rate was more around the 50s. this is especially with my poor mechanical skill with shaky hands when I know I’m facing vs other players oppose to my clam aim vs bots.
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I think players tend to over value mechanical skill vs general game sense ( not to devalue mechanical skill)
and the reason I felt inclined to make this post was because my only searches for MH included people complaining about 50% and less win rates
I’m genuinely curious about playersnin MH the as I’m aware there is a weirdly consistent MH player base. It has it’s own meta and priorities and I’m want to see how much of the player base that effects
Is there a way to see total games played? Because all I can get out of the profile is that I’ve won 1270 games in 266 hours of Mystery Heroes.
If we ignore Echo and Sigma who I have played 1 game on both my highest winrate hero is Baptiste with 100% winrate with 6/6 games won.
The second below that is Ashe with 90% winrate with 18/20 games won
Third place goes to Brigitte with 86% winrate with 46/54 games won
and Moira is right below her with 85% winrate with 54/63 games won
My lowest and the only hero being under 70% winrate is Mercy with 65% winrate with 39/61 games won
I’m not sure but I think that my average winrate is around 77-78% which is pretty decent I guess
Those who mald about the gamemode being unfair and impossible to really get wins out of consistently: git gud. Of course there are going to be unwinnable games in a team game as even the tightest top 500 players lose games in plat every now and then when they hop on an alt account, but thinking that your individual impact on the game isn’t real or considerable is just giving up on yourself. It’s the easy excuse to not become a 600IQ flex god
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Go to your profile and change the drop down box to Mystery Heroes under the statitisics tabYou can then Calc games won/ total games for your win%
And I am with you on the latter part. Learning all heroes and getting good is a big part
But it doesn’t show total games played? It shows total games won?
It does though, in statistics as I mentioned
Ooooh right it’s another page. I’m 1270/1636 so 77,5%
well I guess part of the reason is because I’m a pessimistic, and I’m aware I’m not that good of a player so I never quite ever got that huge ego about being good. That, and when compare to my rl friends, I’m the worse FPS gamer out of the group when we use to go to netcafe in our youth playing CS on lan. My friends still get ban from fps games for performing too well. I know they’re not hacking because I’ve watch them play, and they have played fps on my PC which has no hack, so I know their skills are legit.
I see myself as average and always try to improve by learning tricks in the game. I’m old and thus my mechanically will only decline from here on out, so I don’t bother emphasizing on improving my aim anymore, but instead try to be more calm and not panic when being pressure by enemy. Playing rhythm games on Expert helps me a lot with that. hard to stay calm.
Was offline when I saw this last night but I can finally answer
5899 games played…4760 games won…(I may have played this a lot )
Winrate = 80.69%
Honestly I don’t know how the game measures win rate cause there’s no way…in fact if I go into individual heroes on overview page and sort by win rate…every single hero is above 75%…
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