Mystery heroes: If you can't make ults work fair, don't make them work at all

Yeah that’s fair. I still don’t really do comp, but quickplay is for when I care more about winning a real-ish game, and mystery heroes is always available for when I care less about who wins and more about getting to experience a variety of characters that I don’t often get to play. It’s a balancing act for sure, I’m not just a “mystery heroes main” anymore.

?? It is fair. If you can stay alive long enough to build up ults… you earned it? I don’t get it.

Transferring ult charge is the worst idea and I don’t know how it keeps getting brought up. THAT would be unfair.

The problem is that if team 1 wins the first fight, they can already have their ults when team 2 starts from scratch, so the second fight is already stacked against them. I don’t believe that any game is ever “unwinnable”, but I can definitely understand why people don’t like having every fight be an uphill battle against an enemy that has been able to build up and use their ults throughout the game while you’ve never been able to live long enough for even one ult.

Losing ult charge on death is not a core mechanism of the game, otherwise we’d have way more complaints going around.

It’s a core mechanism of the mode though. Which makes sense. I could see there being a meta of throwing when you have ult until you get the right character. I think it’d be bad, but I can’t honestly say whether that’d be better or worse than losing it all whenever you die.