Mystery heroes: If you can't make ults work fair, don't make them work at all

There’s no fixing something that isn’t broken. The ultimates in MH are fine because they reward you for surviving and punish you for running into your death which highly incentivizes you to actually play the hero that you’re given. Besides attackers also benefit from this by having more momentum after taking first objective and since the gameplay favors attackers anyways it just makes the games even more balanced

This. Yeah I’ll play to win, but I don’t go into MH for a fair fight, I go for the chaos. If I win, I will live with honor. If I lose, I will die with glory!

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Okay, how about you try critiquing Overwatch without being condescending and rude towards the game devs? Like, I usually don’t go outta my way to police other people’s language, but that’s no way to carry on over, god forbid, an optional game mode.

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That’s in Comp. It was a completely different issue. That IS Overwatch, and what everything is balanced around, not a random arcade mode.

Besides, as others mentioned, why scapegoat Ult advantage in a mode which winning or losing is primarily based on RNG and whether your team or theirs gets a more viable comp.

I think it’s all part of the strategy in that mode that doesn’t exist elsewhere. Stay alive so you’ll have an ult to break that seemingly-unbreakable defensive comp becomes a viable strategy that you wouldn’t see outside of that mode. It’s part of the fun.

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If they’re disrespectful to me, I won’t be walking on tiptoes to appease their feelings.

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random arcade modes don’t stay forever unchanged ignoring any rotation

When did a dev “disrespect” you?

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‘Be careful what you wish for’ in regards to Brig, trying to blame the players, plus the whole ‘banning onetricks’ incident.

It’s stuff like this that makes me really doubt that MH is the most popular game mode. I find it to be unbalanced even among the other arcade modes.

It’s great for flex players and tank/support mains who are tired of filling, and just want to screw around and play something different for a change without getting flamed by their team or pressured into playing their main. I got fed up with comp and even quickplay, and literally played nothing but mystery heroes for months on end. It’s not going to be for everyone, but it definitely has an audience.

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The losing side can use ults, they just have to not die before they get them which is exactly the same restriction the opponent has. Don’t play recklessly if you don’t want to drop your ult charge, or don’t play the mode that has specific changes meant to make it play differently from the normal mode.

Hmmm, not a bad idea. I might have to start doing that.

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Honestly it was so much fun. I played nothing but Reinhardt and Mercy (who are still my mains, but I play most of the tank and support lines now), but I learned at least basic competence with most of the roster this way. I got really good with old Sym that way, picked up Reaper for a while, and even had some good Genji games. I never would have thought to pick any of those characters.

The freedom from having to choose a character (and a team comp) is so liberating. Sure, you get games that are stacked against you, but you also learn how to adapt. I may never be a good McCree (although I keep trying), but I know how to play him well now. Even if I don’t have the technical mastery to do it myself, I feel like I have a better understanding of how a lot of characters work, which helps me to support them better with my own characters.

That’s really what I get out of MH: it’s useless for learning team comps, but it’s great for learning individual characters and how they can contribute to a team.

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The part where I usually lose people is when I say that I came out of that experience genuinely and unironically wanting a competitive mystery heroes mode :stuck_out_tongue:

Jeff plz?

Its not an issue, its a core mechanic of the game you find inconvenient now.
Dont be mistaken, this is not someone messing up in their job, this is you wanting the game to adapt to your preferences.

Good luck with that.


That’s a description of me, but I just play quick play because it is more enjoyable, and kind of balanced.

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Horrible RNG, No Limits and the way Ult’s work after dying is why I don’t touch this mode anymore. Especially on 2 CP when the snowball effect comes in.

I do this too, but it’s often still frustrating for me because what you lose in QP is any chance of getting people who actually want to still win games.

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Of course, it is quick play after all.

Just a lesser of two evils.

Should just make it so you retain a percentage of ult charge despite the hero change. Even if it’s like max 25% it would go a long way to prevent slowballing.

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