Mystery Heroes getting same hero multiple times in a row

As the title says. Getting the same hero multiple times after non self-damage deaths. Not sure if this was intended. I did not see it in the recent patch notes.


Indeed, I have had this happen several times, and I’ve seen others mention it in MH game chat. I believe it started with the patch on Tuesday (4/14). So far I have only had a character repeat a second time, but not a third.


Yes, this is happening to me as well. I have hundreds of hours in Mystery Heroes and it’s been really noticeable.

I noticed the same thing

Came to make this thread. It used to happen occasionally (probably less than the 1/32 it should), but now it happens over 10% of the time. I had it happen 3 times in a single game. It may be related to the issue with Echo not allowing you to swap heroes in other modes. Obviously they took some shortcuts in coding Echo’s ultimate that they need to address.

I got Widow 4 times in a row. It’s happening to me every single game, multiple times.

Just wanted to chime in and say I’ve noticed this as well.

I’ve also noticed an inordinate amount of double, triple and quadruple hero duplicates on the same team far more often than usual.

I also grouped up with a friend, and we got the exact 2 same heroes, one after the other, when dying around the same time. This happened a couple times in 2 days.

With the current state of the game, Mystery Heroes is about the only fun I have. Now it’s almost unplayable. RNG is broken.

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I have had this same problem as well. I have been the same hero two times in a row a couple of times now. Either in the middle of a match or when a new round will start, I will be the same hero as I just was. Also, one match I was Sigma then Doomfist then Sigma again then (you guessed it) Doomfist again! I play Mystery Heros a lot so I am hoping this gets fixed soon

This just started happening to me today after the latest patch.
Played 6 games back to back to be sure, in each game I respawned as the same Hero again after initial death by enemy.

In several of these games I respawned as the same character twice in a row (has always happened occasionally), but a few that I respawned as the same character up to 4 times in a row?
Getting the same character a couple of times in a game I can look past, but when my entire team and the enemies respawn as the same hero several times in a row, then I believe there is a problem.
I thought I was losing my mind, had to double check I was actually playing Mystery Heroes.

It’s probably because you cannot switch heroes when Echo has transformed into you

This is still happening.

Bonus Mystery Heroes Bug: when you win, your victory pose screen shows your team in red.

This has been happening to me, and the other team did not have an Echo.

Rein 3 straight times followed by zarya twice yesterday…pls fix

Can we please fix this? Ruins the mode. Overcome broken, GOATs comp in MH only to have half of their team respawn as the same broken heroes. Eliminates all fun. Now I just leave games when they get broken comp.

I get double hero draws in MH (in a row) all the time. Every day, I seriously feel like it must be a bug. I just got out of a match in which I drew bastion four times. In a row. Not throughout the game. In. A. Row. What’s the odds on that? It’s truly like one in a million.

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lol mb i was hatin for no reason