My Thoughts on the PTR Patch

they went a little hard on the tanks, sure the halt and gravitic flux changes were warranted but i’m not convinced the rest of the changes were.

but yes OWL season starts in 2 weeks, so i guess that lines up.

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You and everyone else, even some of the people that dislike her are like “so ya’ll taking everything, though?”

Yes please. I wanna see loads more

That makes sense, poor Pharah. Top 3 most neglected heroes.

I’m really not surprised. People have wanted 222 deathball for 3 years.

Man, nobody will really be pleased with the Hanzo changes

At least it’s something? Bruh, it passes the threshold now for 200hp heroes, Hanzo has to land 4 body shots for a kill now when he only has 5 arrows. And it’s only just something? C’mon now

Its still going to be top notch against tanks, and an arrow to the head is top notch against anything with 250 or less hp.

you mean they’ve wanted dive since dive disappeared.
and by they i mean everyone who likes genji and tracer and snipers and hitscan.

That’s the whole point of the ability, it’s Hanzo’s way of buffing up his damage numbers since he’s less of a sniper than Widow is

I mean the overall community. They don’t want GOATS, they wanted Rein, Zarya, and McCree+Soldier 76.

And its still so good that he’ll melt Winston. The nerf is something, it effects a few heroes. Reaper probably got nerfed harder this patch and he’s much worse than Hanzo.

It effects every hero because he does less damage.

And if the Winston is always losing to Hanzo then they are doing something wrong straight up. Winston has essentially 1200 health when going after a Hanzo, it’s not a fight in the Hanzo’s favor.

The only heroes that i liked to play that got changes are mccree and sigma, but sigma was less fun since barrier nerf, solo plaing him was not great experience and i doubt it gona get better with what i see…

Orisa i was plaing when i had to, mayby those sytuations will happend less offten… outside of ilios… i could use some tank to play there that is not orisa or fat dps known as hog.

at best they wanted dive vs deathball with rein zarya.
but the thing with deathball is that they wouldn’t probably choose mccree and soldier76 together when they can have grav dragon sadly.

synergy man, it ruins a lot of fun composition possibilities.

With Orisa, I get that they’re wanting different tanks to get the spotlight, but at the same time, what could they nerf without it being too much? Like I said, the Halt nerf was something I wanted. But other than that, I couldn’t think of anything else they could nerf and make it a fair nerf. The only option would’ve been to just buff other tanks to her level or buff heroes that could give her a bad time.

Also, something I wanted to mention in my first post but I forgot to do: About the other nerfs that I didn’t mention.

I think Sigma will be okay. He won’t be great, but he’ll be okay. It’s mostly the Accretion nerf I’m worried about.

Reaper’s nerf is mostly one for lower ranks, and in that context, it was a good nerf, but he needs something to compensate. I’ve wanted to give him a tighter spread so that his damage would be more consistent and useful against heroes that aren’t tanks.

And with Hanzo, I think he’ll be fine with this nerf. There’ll be some people still thinking he needs more nerfs, but the nerfs they were asking for weren’t really…good ones. They were either going to be too hard of a nerf, or the nerf itself was just going to be more trouble than it’s worth.

The projectile speed nerf was already a good step. I don’t really play Hanzo that much, but I could feel the difference when I dove on him as Winston or D.Va. And I never really had an issue against Hanzo as Winston, but this just makes it less of an issue. The only additional nerf I might give Storm is to give him a movement penalty while it’s active. Maybe like a 15-20% movement speed penalty. Not as big as the 30% penalty when his primary is fully drawn, but still something.

At this point, I’m pretty sure that other than the people that just vehemently hate D.Va, everyone else wants to see loads more D.Va.

I’m probably not the best to talk about Pharah since, as fun as I have playing her, I don’t actually play her a ton. But when I do play her, it just sucks when I’m playing her just to have fun, and then the enemy team switches to Widowmaker, McCree, Bap, and Ana just because of a single Pharah who might not even have a Mercy pocket with her. D.Va, as much as I love the Booster buff and it makes her more fun to play, it also makes chasing down Pharah a bit more viable.

But imo (again, probably not the best person to talk about this), I feel like playing her on the ground should be more viable. Because right now, playing in the air makes her untouchable against certain heroes, but certain other heroes also counter her hard. So either give her some better ground game, or make her more mobile in the air. For a hero who is built around being in the air, her aerial mobility is about the same as every other hero. So giving her some better air strafing would help too.

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decreasing yhe reward is ok

60 less damage in total, right?

That’s alright. It helps bring Storm Arrows down to the level an ability should have.

He’s still got a very overloaded kit overall and Storm Arrows still is awesome.

I would not recommend diving Hanzo as Winston, and a lot of tanks I meet agree with me on that one, not that I like being right in this case if I am.

Keep your chin up, Sigma is great :smile:
I make weekly threads about how awesome he is.

…as Orisa is discovering.

Idk man, that’s why im saying it was a panic nerf, for OWL. I’m not even anti-OWL, its just so obvious that its why Orisa was nerfed so hard.

Me too but i think it’ll feel worse than it will actually matter.

Yes please. Something.

Oh, definitely.

You are talking about Gravitic Flux with this comment, right? If so, I think you’re missing that the current version can’t be interrupted after targeting, which takes a fraction of a second. The “long wind up” on Flux is about as likely to be interrupted as an EMP, if even.

I’ve been hit by a sleep dart that was already in the air before I even started ulting as Sigma, and I still got to finish the entire ultimate. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect that my dumb play should result in my ultimate failing, especially when it’s an ultimate that almost single-handedly wins the fight while I’m sleeping.

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Reaper’s already a kitten to me, the community just hates him instead of manning up as gamers.

And Immortality Field is like speed boost at 20% to me, it just feels pretty impotent.

Yea, its great when your other tank go all bananas, or decide to roll around with the speed of hammster wheel, and dps go flank and you slowly getting back in the field after getting hs by snipers over and over XD

I tried Orisa’s shooting against bots and it’s just… terrible… it’s really the most frustrating thing you can do in the game: being a fat cow targeted by everything without the possibility to escape, with only a 600 hp shield and… you can’t kill anyone because they always manage to escape and get healing… 20% damage reduction + halt nerf = I can’t kill anyone, I can only die because I can’t escape and I can’t defend myself… horrible… really horrible

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Those are decent combos with Sigma, he’s awesome that way. Project your barrier to help them when they need it, save that Hamster from that Reaper or Mei :+1:

Sigma is good against snipers, show them what for! Hit them with rocks and barriers in their faces.

You’ve got this :fire:

Orisa is dead, tell the devs on the ptr forum. If enough people do, maybe they won’t outright slaughter her.

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I play Winston a lot and Hanzo is among the easiest to dive since he doesn’t have much way to deter Winston. His storm arrows will if you don’t use the bubble correctly, but otherwise his damage per second is too low to be a real threat while his escape is limited in usefulness when trying to escape the dive tanks.