My team no longer wants me

Season 13 is a unlucky number


are there any other characters you are interested in? honestly your team sound kinda rude but still


Maybe he’s like me. I know other heroes. I can play them. I can play other roles. I’m a good Zenyatta (who I am maining until I adjust my Pharah aim), Lúcio, 76, Moira, Roadhog, and D.Va. But I love Pharah. I love her playstyle, I love the feel of her, I love her armor, I love how she reminds me of old-school Star Wars Mandalorians. I love her tattoo. I love her voice. I love firing rockets at people. I love flying.

No other hero appeals to me as much as Pharah, no matter how hard I try to love them. So it does feel bad, in a personal sense, feels… sad, that I am no longer able to perform on her as well as I used to because my hundreds of hours on her are actually acting as a detriment due to muscle memory build up conflicting with her new firing speed.

I totally empathize with the OP.

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Dunno if these are new to you, or old as dirt, but I thought it was pretty cool.

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how the hell she flies forward when uses skill under feet?

Jump, Aim down, press e.

Been in the game since day 1.

I don’t know what you expect if you only play one hero.
My main is Pharah but I play everything except Doomfist.
You should also ask your team what they need and learn that hero.

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Overwatch, isn’t a game that runs by WHAT WORKS, and WHAT DOESN’T. There are hundreds of grey areas, all of which players find crevices and cracks to slip their own personal skill into.

Also, most recently Pharah was pretty reworked. After every big change I have to think about my own personal skill, and evaluate my own personal decisions based on the changes in almost every situation depending how big the changes.

With big changes, things you could do before, just don’t work like they used to anymore. Sometimes as big as Roadhog’s hook 1.0 to Hook 2.0, abilities can go from consistent to extremely difficult to use over night. No more flinging raw hooks down hallways, hoping I’d snag me a squealer from around the corner.

I’d say you shouldn’t commit to giving up on your hero, unless you’re willing to commit the same effort into another hero.

Hit the drawing board. Relearn all your core fundamentals. Practice splash testing and angles. Use everything at your disposal to improve.

It’s really not. Flexing just means never being allowed to play characters you actually like to play. You’re a slave to the meta, and your team makes all the decisions for you.


I mean if you’re an Otp I wouldn’t want you on my team either :man_shrugging:


Learn a new hero. Pharah players i know, have gotten the hang of Genji rather quickly, maybe start with that.

Play another hero?

Why exactly aren’t you performing as good as you used to?

You’re absolutely wrong. I mained Torb and Hanzo since day 1 until my account got suspended for “disruptive gameplay”.

Thanks… reporting system… and those abusing the @#$% out of it

i didnt give up with new symm. btw phara git buffed. perfect your aim and im sure you will put out more damage. i didnt give up when they made halo 5. you got this, ir you can try new hero.

None of my teams want me either and I carry them. Jackanapes…

But seriously, pick up Widowmaker. She is lit and only realistically countered by double barrier if you have a premade that can peel.

I mean that’s the thing, my direct hit accuracy dropped from 28% in season 10 (my peak) to 17% in 12. Like plummeted. Up to that point it was about 2-3% fluctuations.

Im going to be harsh but I think it’s the truth

The whole point of the game is to play more than 1 character…even in comp


Flexing doesn’t mean playing the meta.

If I can play symmetra ,torbjorn and roadhog for example and I switch between them depending on the situation then I’m a flex player.

Don’t worry, it’s just the begining of the programmed death of pharah, the dev have decided to kill kill and bury her slowwly . .

Maybe you should take a break from pharah. Hit that reset button. Sometimes coming back to an issue you struggle with gives you a new mindset

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