My Rank is Bugged

My Rank is bugged in Comp im sure of it, in season 3 I was hard Stuck in Bronze 3 and 4 even after winning 5 games with no losses and I would just stay the same rank, This season I was placed in Bronze 5 which is gutting tbh because I feel I’ve definitely improved my game.

Today as a test I did some ranked games and won all 5 with no losses, my stats were less than 5 deaths per game with over 20 Kills at least, my healing and DPS done were well over 10k per game yet my reward was Bronze 5, Screenshots below for proof.

i.imgur. com /LvhpcEz. png

i.imgur. com /EcQ1iAq. png

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‘you are at the minimum value for this rank’, in ow1 in bronze you could be under 600 sr and it would display as <600. perhaps you are rated in a similar way that you need another 10+ wins to get above that ‘600’ threshold? similar to how every t500 is GM1, but theres a big difference still between top 1 gm1, and t450 gm1
Could you share a replay code too? just to see how the games look

Of course, this was one of the games and a relatively short one, 10NVVZ

The thing is I’ve won 15 games and lost like 3 on Support and it’s just perma locked me into Bronze 5.

it’s not amazing but i would’ve expected below b5 to look worse. you probably do deserve higher rank than b5 even if its only like silver 3 or smth.
even though you’re on a win streak you could’ve been managing your abilities better, you used fade to get closer for healing when that leaves you vulnerable to being dived by the enemy, also you didnt need to die at 2:55, you can fade during your ult now which would’ve let you escape orisa.

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I know im still constantly learning that but thats not what the thread is about.

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yea fair enough, just keep throwing yourself at the game and eventually itll rank you up

You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

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some guy said he checked his SR and it was stuck at 0, i think its another bronze glitch like what happened in october. I’m having it too and the games are feeling more and more competitive and many better players get the glitch too. One of my games all said theyve been doing good and not ranking up

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Yup, this seems to be another manifestation of the Bronze 5 bug. This time, players are receiving the message which states that "You are at the minimum value for this rank” regardless of winrate and individual performance. For those who’d like to look more into this bug, I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding that bug in my megathread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.