My rank didn't rank up?

Hello I’m wedtube345 I was playing rank and well I’m currently in Grandmaster 3 and i got quite surprised because after I got 7-4 I didn’t rank up I got in the same place and I don’t understand my friend got a 7-6 and he went from GM3 to GM2. Can you guys explain me what happened and thank you so much have a great day!

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yep. ive been stuck in silver 1 for the last 14 wins. thought maybe i got deranked before the first rank up but after the second time i realized it was just not letting me rank up
blizzard has to do better. this is totally unacceptable. im done until this is fixed

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i was silver 2 and when i won my 7 games i went to bronze 5… started all over… what do i do…

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Me too i cant i cant go up a tier in ow2 i was bronze 4 and i win 5 games and still bronze 4 i used the same character but i change sometimes to counter the enemy but after I switch back to my main

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I’m having the exact same issue. I play with a buddy every night and he’s progressively made it from silver 4 all the way to gold 3 now and I either do better or the same as him. It’s super rare that I don’t do as good. I’m not understanding and honestly I’m going to give up on playing the game, because it’s no fair and there’s absolutely no reward.

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The 5 win 15 loss system doesn’t preventing your true rank from changing it just prevents you from being able to see it changing. However, you might also be experiencing either the bug that prevents your rank from being adjusted or the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.


having the same issue, got to gold 4, won 5 games still gold 4 so i won another 5 games still gold 4 so i won another 5 and im still gold 4 wtf???

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You wouldn’t get to GM eventually because you’d lose. Five wins in a row means you’re above your rank.

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Same I’m on my fifth series. I won 5 lost 2 for the latest one (2 wins 2 loss 3 wins in that order) and I got s2 again? I was in gold last season and at the beginning of this one Idk what’s happening but it’s been 5 series of this now. My rank isn’t budging at all no matter what the win/loss ratio is.


So as an update, I just played another series and finally got knocked up a division. There was a an update yesterday I believe, and they’ve done a patch today which I think may have fixed something. Here’s to hoping it sticks.

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season 3 is absolute trash just ranked down my bro and i at drop. I was already in silver and demoted to bronze 5 at drop. Ive won countless games and so has he yet no rank up. Comp is broken your lucky if anyone plays it. Here I was pumping praise and getting my friends to play. Ill join for qp, but not for comp until U FIX IT JESUS. Ps. can i have my $75 for the jacket never sent?? Don’t worry ill keep harassing your department till they do the right thing. In the mean time have fun with your dead no helpful update game. Please play your professional players too they need money idiots.


I have supposed to have ranked up 3 times now, but I am still Bronze 2 :((


Yeah bro, I been winning more games than losing on xbox, done it about 7 times and ive remained the same rank every time. I honestly don’t understand why but Blizzard please fix this I have been playing with my duo and he ranks up but I remain the same rank. My heals are always massive and my dmg on support is huge as well, so please fix this.

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Yeah i literally havent moved and ive won more than i lose pisses me off

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Seems like there is still a rank up issue, but I’m curious what the game actually checks to see if you’re “ready” to move up in the ranks? I play Ana mainly, average 10k-17k healing, 3-5k damage and 10+ elims. Obviously have heaps of time on the point as well. I’ve won 30 games and lost 8 and I’m still stuck at bronze 4. Any help would be appreciated


I just won 10 games in a row and “ranked up” twice but each time i was stuck at bronze 5. At one point I was playing with all gold and plat players and still won, but my rank would not change.

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I have exactly the same problem. I already completed the 5 matches 4 times and stayed in silver 2. I don’t go up or down in rank

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I main tank and average 20-30 kills most games, my teams win more than we lose, I get POG every other game, and yet I have been stuck in bronze 5 since OW2 came out. I place bronze 4 once and then deranked to bronze 5 and now no matter how well I perform, nothing changes. Are they going to fix this?? I’m glad to see I’m not the only one, but this has been going on for months and I’m sick of grinding, hoping to rank up, and then being disappointed every five games.

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Same problem the last 3 seasons, I’ve been soft locked to Bronze, actually refuses to let me out.

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Same here.
I was almost Plat until the end of Season 3.
Season 4 was “a bit” bad because of the MMR (I ended up playing against Diamond or above, while my teammates were Silver), so I had a lot of losses.
Now I have no problem with the MMR, it’s fine after all (luckily), I keep winnings with a few defeats (2 or maybe 3 at worst), but I’m still stuck at Silver 1.

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