- Ultimate Ability:
ValkyrieResurrect - Reverted Mercy's Ultimate Ability back to the same concept as her original Ultimate: Resurrects dead teammates to full health within a certain radius.
- Radius is now 8 metres.
- Cast time is now 1 second, instead of instantaneous, Mercy can be killed during this time, in which case the ability is cancelled and ultimate charge is reset.
- Requires line of sight of an ally's location of death to resurrect them.
- Damage Boost
- This ability has been removed.
- Pressing right click now quickly switches from Caduceus Staff to Caduceus Blaster and vice versa. Mercy takes one hand off the staff and unholsters the weapon. This process takes 0.5 seconds. The Staff can't be used while the pistol is unholstered.
- Caduceus Blaster
- Clip size increased to 30 from 20.
- Firing speed increased by 50%.
5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018