My plan on placements

Lose 10 games without throwing by playing something suboptimal

y tho

i hope for lower rank cause i’m trash

weird flex but ok


I mean if the plan is to lose thats still throwing?

well, i will try to win. I just probably wont

Why not just play the way you always do? Your rank will adjust over time depending on how often you win/lose, and you won’t be sandbagging and dragging down 5 other people with you. Seems pretty silly to me.

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it wont. My skill dropped way below my current SR and i need to get lower. Can’t kill support with mccree, losing every duel

If that’s the case, your rank will drop on its own. :thinking:


why not speed up to not waste any time. I also report people who insult me for abusive chat, so, it’s fun

I mean you don’t NEED to get lower. Youre at your current rank for a reason. Lowering yourself will just make you climb back to where you currently are. You’ll also be dragging your teammates down with you.

I’d just like to point out that unless you:
A: have never placed before
B: Have placed before but have not played competitive in 2+ seasons
Your placements really wont matter much.
At worst you’d be like 100-300 below your end rank last season.

I mention B because if you have not played for a long period of time the system starts to “forget” you and becomes less and less sure of where you are supposed to be placed.

In essence, that is the only way to get a redo with competitive ^^

McCree is hilariously bad in this game rn. Don’t let the crappy clickbait POTG videos and the “Fine Tier” crowd fool you.

i have 100 hours on mccree

Still can’t kill zenyatta

At least in my experience, this wasn’t the case. I started out playing at a silver level, more or less. I think I ranked 40 in season one, if anyone knows what that means or how it relates to the current SR system.

I then played ~300 hours of QP, the vast majority on Zen (look at my profile and weep). I started seeing golds, then plats, then diamonds, and then even masters/GM (I recently ran into Architect and Mangachu, two pro players). I’m quite confident that I’m nowhere near the GM level yet, but I improved a lot over those 300 hours before I finally went back and tried ranked again in season six. In that season, I was placed smack in the middle of gold, despite absolutely fragging on Zen. I was kind of discouraged by this outcome, so I took another break from ranked until season 10, at which point I jumped up 500 SR to mid plat. I’ve since worked my way up to ~3150 or so, but my point is that the game definitely didn’t forget me despite the fact that I hadn’t played in five seasons.

With that attitude maybe you should just simply stop playing competitive alltogheter, comp should be for people that want to give their absolute best, its just a lot of people doesnt get this.

Whats the point in fighting for any sr numbers if you already gave up on yourself.

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Tell me, did you lose your first game in that zen season, and did you win the first few matches of your season 10 placements?

And by the way that thing about the system becoming less sure was confirmed by blizzard, don’t have the source rn tho. I’ll take a look.

Not the one I was looking for but might be worth looking at the part under the “skill rating” dropdown.

How competitive skill rating works season 11

Looking further for dat blizz quote ^^ - - > bored/google not being very helpful rn

Well, its your SR. If that’s your prerogative, go ahead.

Just, you know, don’t be surprised if you get banned from false report.

Zen with good aim can be a problem for someone with no mobility or way to protect himself.

i just need placements for points