My own screech into the void- N7 salt on Brig

How did you not run out of characters–


There’s Simon Cowell, who folks wanna disembowel
He opens his mouth, always say somethin’ foul
They’re dyin’, wow. Wannabes are cryin’ now
He votes ‘em out. Time to throw in the towel

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What even is a journal/diary/blog? This guy doesn’t know either.


Making a lazy hero and release it in Overwatch is already a slap to the face to everyone. No skill required. Delete it, now.

On a more serious note, I doubt the devs will delete any character – that would be a lot of work wasted. Reworks would be the best option, but I’ve seen they aren’t doing reworks anymore, so I’m not sure.

On a different note, and maybe you said this and my road trip exhausted brain missed it while skimming, why exactly do you dislike Mercy so much? I saw a part where you mentioned defending Mercy mains so is it just current, reworked Mercy you hate? Just trying to understand.

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I don’t

Because I never finish them…but I do In My app!

How do y’all find things??? I didn’t even… Put a thing in the title…I have ZERO COMMENT POSTS

And you find the one explicit screech

Feel free to see my other salt:

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Go away with your hateful #deletebrig, seriously.

Wildpants, listen to your wiser older brother Battlepants

Im sorry but I cant comment on OP yet, its far too much reading and Im really tired atm but I commend you for the essay and effort

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You’re a Brigitte main, so, as a Bastion main, I understand all the hate you get because of the hero you play. I’m with you, don’t worry! :slightly_smiling_face:


Add in this Mercy main! :smile: While my hero may not get as much hate, we still out here to defend!


In My defense…I also posted a thing about what I like about mercy…

It was not very popular but at least it wasn’t flagged

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People like you who can see the good and bad are wonderful. There should be more like you in the world. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Well I definitely appreciate being seen as such by at least one person.

I do try to be fair… But …I do have my opinions and biases…I feel like I’m good at acknowledging them but … That hasn’t felt like the case in recent months lol

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Opinions and biases are just part of being human! If you just ignored having them, it would be ignoring a part of yourself. I’m biased towards Mercy and have the opinion that possibly she could use some buffs. But I’m also able to recognize why people don’t have that opinion and why it could torn into a problem.

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I had so many posts prior to Brigs rework about my love for her …

Gone…doesn’t matter anymore. Apparently I’ve hated brig since the start and nothing else matters since I’ve changed my view…


And work for evil in the most boring field there is


I didn’t see your post as you hating her, necessarily. :no_mouth: More so how her kit currently functions.

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I guess when someone has a lot to say and a lot of spare time on their hands, they start talking.


You forgot the optional projectile/Hitscan dependent on hip fire or scope usage.

So let’s make it 10.

Top 20 statements of 2020 right here!
Although, I think a swan could do more damage. This OP is extremely long (like dissertation long) so I’m going to save the other two thirds for a later time.

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You work at Kelly Moore paints?

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This is a long post to describe, “I don’t like Brig and she needs more nerfs.” Like Sweet Christmas, just say that.