My Monthly "Nerf Mercy" listings

By that same Logic any fight is a 0v0 since you all can be killed.
It’s just such a nonsensical argument.


No factor calls for a minus 5 from both sides. Not unless you set up a DVa bomb from both teams and have both teams sit right on top of both…

Do you realize how silly you’re being?

With an ally requirement. This fundementally restricts how you can use it to survive and what comps and teams you can even really play Mercy with without throwing.

Fix the exploit.

Lucio has this level of mobility while also having a boop to defend himself.

And requires team setup beforehand and only works with specific comps into specific heroes.

None of your reply addressed my previous point. It was just a long winded exaggeration about an ability you don’t like, blowing niche cases up to be the end of the world.

Again - Mercy can’t defend herself the same way other supports can. Evasion is her only way to survive as a result.

If Mercy had abilities and single target healing per second that was as good as a hero like Ana, maybe you’d have a point. But her kit and numbers have been turned down because she can evade enemies.

If she no longer could evade enemies, her healing, rez, and damage boost would need to be power crept up to compensate in order for her to not be unplayable… And that would just make hiding pocketing Mercy even more frustrating to face.


I’m asking what you mean and giving an example of what one might consider high tier. Chill.

Meta where and how? Because the only times I’ve seen her ‘meta’ is when she’s got a Sojourn to pocket or it’s already hitscan meta and we’re not picking Zen and Ana for some reason (usually being the aforementioned sojourn esq problem)

Like. Do you have any stats to back up what you’re saying? Pickrates? Winrates?

Tracer effectively has almost double that health with recall. But regardless, IDC what’s better, its the fact that they have similar effects on metal ranks (being hard to hit) that matters here, and that Tracer can do her movement independently of her team and 1 clip people if she’s good enough, while the best Mercy can do is boost the power of her teammates while being useless on her own.

Never brought up ball myself, only genji

I’ll read your OG post in it’s entirety if you cut it down. I don’t want to read your book.


Well, Ana’s introduction and Zen’s buffs that made his Transcendence go from 150HPS to 300HPS along with the buff to 200 hp kept her out of the lime light in the very early days. Mass rez existed back then and was popular amongst players, in part because of how it affected rated gains which was beyond dumb lol. It encouraged players to play hide and seek for big rezzes when they figured out doing stuff like that would result in more rating gain, regardless of whether it was the correct call or not. (Quick edit: This is all to say that while she wasn’t really useless, she also wasn’t meta back then either.)

Her strongest of course was after they reworked her since they overbuffed her.

Brig’s introduction and the beginning of Goats was also not a good time period for her since there were / are better options for healing a bunch of tanks than Mercy that could also do more damage.

The end of GOATs brought more variety in supports for awhile, though when Ashe was added Mercy paired well with her (something the devs themselves even mentioned being a strong combo when she was introduced).

She I think was more effective on some maps than others IIRC. Such as boosting a Bastion for pirate ship. But admittedly, I remember some of the later metas less well as I had stopped playing frequently / had stopped playing altogether for awhile.

Currently, Mercy is around the higher end of the middle for supports imo. Ana (really especially Ana) and Kiriko are used more in high ratings though Mercy is still good with a DPS pocket. I’d say she’s right around Zen’s level.

As always, I don’t think she’s OP. But, as I’ve brought up before, I do think there are parts of her kit that can be problematic. But I honestly do not think Blizz is going to change her again any time soon after their changes in S3 flopped.

Last edit: I think Mercy’s relative strengths went up with 5v5. A rez is a bigger percentage of your team returning to the fight, and having one less tank makes her 55 single target HPS more palatable compared to 6v6. I honestly think a lot of the balance issues and complaints these days stem more from that fundamental change than any individual character. It’s part of the reason why Hog (who was fine but percieved as being OP) got absolutely gutted as an example. He was rarely a problem in 6v6 since the addition of a 2nd tank made it difficult to reliably land the hook on a squishy. The more time goes on, the more I miss 6v6 at this point since I think while not every problem would be solved, a lot of issues (including the increase in one sided stomps) could be lessened or solved.


Literally after her 50hps Nerf. She never climbed back out of bottom 3 even after the buff back up to 55hps in OW1.


did you just fail 3rd grade math? kekw??? let me correct it for you.

so you said 5v5, since thats the main mode now, by proper math… if you kill somebody, that makes it a 5v4 or a 4v5. if theres a mercy who resurrects them, that brings it back up to a 5v5.


This shouldn’t become a job for you🫣

95% of ‘nerf mercy’ threads come down to DPS players who want to 1v1 people, and think it’s unfair that mercy is pocketing someone.

If only those DPS mains realized this is a team based game, and if they fight the mercy pocketed DPS 2v2, they’d be fine.


Why do posts like this completely ignore Mercy’s weaknesses?

Fact: She has the lowest output dedicated healing in the game.

Fact: Her total offensive contribution to the team is nearly non existent.

Fact: Most DPS characters are capable of killing someone in less than 1.75s. Meaning that in theory somebody else should have died in the time it took Mercy to Res someone.

Fact: If Mercy’s team starts getting into trouble, she has no burst abilities available to her to try and fix it.

Mercy has exactly 2 things going for her. Survivability and consistency. If you’re wanting to nerf either, you’re going to need to seriously buff her in other ways.


Again it acts like a pinball bumper. While it is tethering Mercy’s movement you can pick and choose from four points constantly and even shortly after someone dies. Not that the enemy can see if you have an escape route or anything which plays further into Mercy’s advantage.

Been asking for that all season. Mercys are calling it tech now since it ignores the recent GA CD increase. So yes it needs to be fixed, not my job though. I’m just bringing it to light.

His healing takes a big dive for all that mobility. His mobility vertically takes much longer to enact and is harder to control as he has to stick to a surface to do anything. This makes it far easier to track a lucio who cannot HEAL AND MOVE AT THE SAME TIME.

Mercy has far stronger healer a bigger healing range and can move freely in the air so long as her GA is targeted on an ally.

Which 100s of 1000s of players do not have accrss too. And all that prep just to counter Mercy? Have mercy man…how much do we need to counter a single support?!

Overriden by the fact she doesn’t have to engage at all even with teammates.

And yet she is plaguing every rank outside of the top 0.1%, which again is only a couple 100 players exclusively because they have the skills and a coordinated team to deal with a Mercy player. I feel like we’re ignoring the fact she is always the top priority kill here.

And still even with single targeting healing, she can compete on healing numbers thanks to a neverending healing tempo that has no downtime, no cooldown management, no extra effort in line of sight enemies and teammates. She floats about only ever looking for the next GA target while holding a button to support allies.

You serious? You brought it up. Mercy has never fell off high tier for supports. She’s always been viable even now in her weakest state she is still considered good.

Like Ashe and Soljorn are suddenly bad damage boosting targets? Bro…BRO!

That is 299 health on a 12 second cooldown at best, because lets face it if she ever goes to zero she is not recalling. So no its not 300. A Tracer will recall way before she gets to the end of her life…so this point is redundsnt because Tracer would have died already way before utilizing 300 health. Tracer is at best storing 250 health and that’s still pushing it.

Then one clipping a GA Mercy while she’s in flight and suddely in the air? The Mercy would have to be standing still and the Tracer would need to react and track in the span of a single second hoping that nowhere in that 1 second Mercy moves or presses her GA. Unless you’re somehow Dafran or some other hitscan pro player that’s not going to happen with most players. Even going into specifics and calling out only the hitscan specialist brings the 0.1% of player skill examples even lower below that threshold.

Genji? Projectile hero who has an 8 second dash as the only hope of getting close to a Mercy? Who pretty much needs Dragonblade to deal with a flier? Dude…

I see relevent points. Since Goats was a more defensive area punishing mets and even the doubke shields bunker meta didn’t utilize her since she had no offensive capabilities to add to the metas there.

We could even say that the Ana Beyblade meta eas a bad time for her as she’s fall victim to the Reaper eath blosom almost everytime.

For the pirate ship meta she was used to help in retaliation of the pirate ship. As her constant healing and rez could turn the tides along with Sombra whom was needed a lot to counter these metas.

Oh so you just proved that she WASN’T meta for as long as you claim.


Nerf Ana’s anti-nade first, then we can talk

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At this point this just feels like you stating your opinion and hoping I take it as fact. I won’t. I played Mercy at 50hps and I was around when everyone and their grandma was complaining about people picking her because she was That Bad. Same thing happened in season 1-2 of ow2.

Them being good boost targets doesn’t make Mercy suddenly meta. It sounds like your definition of meta is anything that isn’t absolute garbage tier.

That’s why I said almost and it’s not redundant seeing as she has more effective hp than Mercy, even if she only uses it at half health. Not to mention she gets a burst heal on CD while Mercy has to not be shot at or heal someone who’s low to get a regen.

Not what I’m talking about. I said tracer can one clip in general, not exclusive mercy.

Why are you talking about how easy these heroes can kill mercy? We’re talking about how good their mobility is and how hard they are to hit for people in metal ranks :man_facepalming:


Did you wash your brain with lye recently?

I understand the points made in this post, but I’d like to give my own opinion as a Mercy player here.

Of course, mercy is easy to pick up, but she also has a relatively high skill ceiling with positioning, resurrect, when to GA, and just general gamesense. I really don’t think Mercy players are embarrased to main her, but of course I can’t read minds so I’m not 100% about that. I can say with confidence that I’m not, though.
A good Mercy can do wonders for their team, and they can show great gamesense and skill in a lot of situations.

I’ll say it again just for clarification, I still agree somewhat agree with the points made here and I understand where these are coming from. I don’t mean to disagree and try to disprove your point in this post, I’m just stating my own opinion just as you are yours. :slight_smile:

mercy may be easy sure, but your forgetting that moira is literally the easiest hero in the support roster. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a hero being easy to use/play, that’s why heroes like soldier is in the DPS category as you said. soldiers very easy, and he can get incredible value if you can aim. mercy is very easy, and she can get incredible value if you know how to use GA, when to rez, position, literally good game sense too. that goes for all heroes as well. mercy is not no different. also support mains aren’t “embarrassed” to main her.

well just so you can get your stats straight, a basic GA is on a 1.5 second cooldown. if you by any chance press space or crouch during it, it increases to a 2.5-3 second cooldown which btw was higher than in season 3. your math for rez is incorrect too, its basic math man. 5-1 is 4, making a 4v5, then a rez happens and it makes it a 5v5 again. not a 5v6. the only thing in the game that can be seen as a 5v6 is torbs turret because it has the health of a squishy, has long range, can be healed by torb, and can deal infinite amounts of damage.

also goes to show you have no idea what your talking about, valkyrie has a constant 15 hps self-heal in valkyrie IF your not healing an ally. even then if you heal, its only so strong, you can still be killed during it if your not careful. thats why good mercy players know how to use it instead of bad ones who just go to the skybox begging to be hit. and your comparing sojourns slide to GA…? did you forget one of them can oneshot squishies and the other cant even put out reliable damage? thats crazy lmfao. the only thing i somewhat agree on is damage boost, i do think it needs either a rework or just 2 nerfs. nerfs would probably be reducing it to 25% and making the dmg boosted damage value, not count for headshots

god not this again with the superjump bug. MAN jesus christ dude, no mercy player uses it and barely anybody has heard of it. if they have, skilled mercy players would use it, and they DONT! plus, your REALLY exaggerating the skybox potential. if you fly to the skybox, you arent getting any value AND your just a sitting duck. your max beam range is 15 meters, that goes for vertically too. also not you saying using valkyrie is usually used selfishly?? who are you to say that thats what its mainly used for?? and it is not a bad thing to use it selfishly, hell everybody can use their ults selfishly. doomfist can, brig can, rein can, zen can, almost everybody can. why is mercy so different?

and you wonder why she has to play hide and seek right? well we as a community have told you guys multiple times, nerfing her movement instead of her dmg boost just makes her slow, clunky, and forced to pocket even more because of the fact that we cant constantly fly between teammates anymore. hell it could be said it was a buff to her survivability because she was forced to stay back and pocket since she couldn’t consistently juggle between teammates with GA. this was YOUR guys’s fault, and now she isn’t that much fun anymore for both sides lmao.

also for the record, a flying hero isn’t a bad thing aslong as they cant deal high damage and high healing, which in mercys case, she has low stats for both.

because shes a support? you do the same with ANY support. baptiste is doing too much value? focus him down. ana is hitting nades on us too much? focus her down!! brig is providing too much value for surviving? FOCUS HER DOWN! its literally the most basic concept for any type of game like this, focus the supports and you will win.

yes she actually does need GA. if you remove GA, you might as well just delete the character. if GA is gone, then expect nobody to play her like at all. her old GA during mass rez sucked, it was clunky and not that reliable as time progressed, thats why she received slingshot. granted back then she had mass rez and mercy 2.0, so she was just broken. GA did nothing. when she got buffed in 2020 to have 55 hps, she was no longer a throw pick and was fun again. also back then she never had a longer beam…and the only times back then you pistoled is to get mass rez up if it was at like 90% bc it charged so fast. other than that, even to this day, its encouraged to NOT pistol. GA spam is what ur gonna have to deal with since 5v5 is more fast paced. and for the damage boost beam, well she does need LoS, its like zens orb. she needs it to activate it on an ally, and it only takes 1.3s for it to cancel. infact discord is actually stronger since its a dmg boost for the whole team on 1 target, while dmg boost is the polar opposite of that.

and every support besides mercy can do reliable healing from range. they can sit back and just heal and put out damage while having incredible utility (besides moira). also your getting mad for…a support using cover… to survive? which is your main goal as a support? to SURVIVE?? i swear you mercy antis want her to do absolutely nothing to provide for her team, while also being a sitting duck waiting to be killed. and again with your bad math, if someone dies its a 4v5, if she rezzes, its a 5v5 again. theres physically no sixth player. and if the mercy’s rez turns the team fight around, then she properly utilized it. because i cant even count on TWO hands how many mercys ive been with who just randomly resurrect whenever its off cooldown, and they just feed and die or they rez the player and they both feed and die. stop acting like this is mercy 2.0 or mass rez, and stop acting like any rez she gets instantly turns a fight.

there is stuff you can do to manage on mercy. go hitscan, maybe double hitscan, go ana and maybe zen too, and whenever she superjumps, shes out of position, so orb her and shoot her down and boom shes dead. if you go cassidy and soldier, shes as good as dead. and sure other supports have healing down time, but mercy trades infinite healing with mediocre HPs. 55 is not gonna do anything most of the time, and those clips of Somjuu blading and not being able to kill a pocketed DPS is 100% entirely his fault, because he would rather go for the pocketee instead of the enemy mercy who is literally right beside him. also in the most recent clip, their kiriko is pocketing the cassidy too, so he genuinely was not able to kill him and yet he still never went for the supports. also blade just naturally sucks without nano lol.

shes definitely a mess, but thats bc alec dawson cannot balance her for the life of him. shes very easily able to be balanced again, but he is just bad at balancing. like hello??? hes the one who omegabuffed doomfist and then sledge hammered him with nerfs?? like lmfao

lol, its your fault if your low ranked and cant hit a bad mercy. if ur bronze and cant hit a bronze mercy, go back to the aim trainer man. bronze-gold mercys are bad at positioning, maybe even plat mercys too. take advantage of it instead of going “BBWAAAAHHHH SHE PRESSED HER GA BUTTON” and stop acting like shes an invisible, invulnerable force.

pharah has 90% air uptime so she has to have it balanced by a meter. moira outputs VERY VERY high amounts of healing for little effort, and thats why its on a gauge. kiriko’s recovery time is not a cooldown, and infact the nerf to it just made her feel clunky. what are you gonna scream nerf zens healing because its not on a meter too??

yeah no, i give this post and thread a 0%



You’re fundementally misunderstanding the implications of what an ally requirement means.

It means that if you only have one viable GA target(which is the case in certain comps, especially given the popularity of certain flankers and dive tanks), you cannot get out of danger more than once.

You can set up a max range GA to your one viable target, then… After that you’re just dead. Yes, you can still sj and slingshot, but it’s within a limited range with restricted distance.

Basically - outside of optimal environments, her mobility isn’t the menace you make it out to be.

And he trades single target healing for aoe healing with a low CD cc ability.

He doesn’t have to stick, he can bounce from surfaces as well.

He can.

That prep isn’t to counter Mercy. It’s to have access to the insane mobility of Mercy you keep referring to. Without a proper team layout, her movement is predictable and her options of escape are limited.

No, it’s not. Flankers and dive tanks exist with the sole purpose of going after supports, regardless of if they’re engaging with the enemy team or not.

Such hyperbolic language can be used to describe literally any meta hero.

“Ana is plaguing every rank outside of top 0.1%”

Or even

“Genji is plaguing every rank outside of top 0.1%”

It sounds silly now, doesn’t it?


It’s not even 2 seconds anymore half the time. It’s effectively 3.5 if you do anything except cancel GA early

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Shhh that ruins the narrative tho