My mental health does not allow me to play tank anymore

I hate to say it but I will leave the game because playing in tank role is no longer fun. I have more than 1000 hours in the tank. Because of this role, I started to hate the game… the counter pick is so boring
I know Blizzard is trying to solve the problem but they are making the game worse


just play open queue or join the 6v6 discord servers


how does this work? they giga buff tanks and tanks start quitting?
as if having to burst down the tank or lose isn’t the answer the devs where looking for.

but we also replaced plat devs with silver devs.


Because tank enjoyers don’t want to be raid bosses, they don’t want to be the only tank. Most cases, they feel overwhelmed or if they’re having an off day they’re gonna have “tank diff” thrown at them. This community is toxic. They’re gonna be jerks.

Tank buddies would make it easier and better, that’s WHY they had them in the first place. Papa Jeff’s team did tests, and 5v5 with a solo tank was initially REJECTED because the tank felt OVERWHELMED or having too much responsibility on their shoulders being the only tank!! Only a small percentage felt good doing it, so they passed on the idea.


I can recommend playing tank in oq. It’s more fun when you get a tank buddy, so only pick tank when someone else has picked tank.
I only play tank in oq. The smaller hp bars don’t make counterswapping as mandatory as role queue does.


just gets sad when you face 3 tanks while your mates are gigachad dps mains with 0 elims.

if both teams run 2 tanks its actually quite enjoyable.

would even say the best overwatch currently.


I’ve been in teams of dps that defeat goat comps easily. But it is the same as regular qp in that.
The team that works better together and covers each other, wins.

I definitely feel as if people who counterpick are beta; however, I have no idea what that has to do with your mental health. How does someone being bad at a video game and needing a crutch to compete influence your mental health?

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because none of the buffs actually addressed the core issues with playing tank


well they amplyfied the issues especially between the tanks. aka tank diff is even stronger than ever.

What is the core issue of tanking for you? As a one trick hater, surely you love counterpicking. What else is there to the role that’s problematic?

I understand how you feel. Playing solo tank feels very stressful to me half of the time. Usually it’s for a variety of reasons. Sometimes I have off days, I don’t switch immediately to counter the other tank, or have bad teammates. Other times it can be somewhat fun.

Tanks counter picking each other is annoying although manageable, its the fact that the entire team can counter ONE person. Also most “Tank Diffs” are literally just a team not actually supporting their tank or playing the wrong hero in a situation.

That tank has in most scenarions become too dependant on their team. Other team has a decent support line up? your game is instantly 100X harder, you’re being hard countered on everything you do but team doesnt support you? you might as well not be in the game.

On paper of course tanks look better but in the reality of how games go for the majority of players you’re at the mercy of your team.

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which is what i meant.

old tanks you didn’t need 3 counters to make them really suffer just some general preassure.
now you need to hard counter them to stop them.
making the experience trash for everyone who isn’t a swap fanatic.


Not necessarily, you dont NEED to, you can easily just focus the rest of the team NOT the tank and get free wins, people have this illusion that they have to ONLY shoot the tank, they literally complain how tough they are to kill then will sit main afk shooting the tank.

Like playing tank and having your support completely ignore you, while the opposing teams tank has a Mercy attached to it. Fun times.


Exactly lol. It’s even worse when your team is running Lucio + Moria against a team with characters that do a ton of damage. You expect me to live long enough to do anything when I’m only getting a droplet of healing. Let’s not mention when dps act just as dumb.

Because Tank power isn’t what’s making Tanks unfun. In fact, Tanks being so powerful as a role is precisely why they’re unfun, because the stronger Tanks are the more necessary it IS to counter them.

And giga-buffing tanks over and over and over and over makes them almost universally the biggest threat on the battlefield which means the second you start to do well as a Tank, the enemy insta-swaps to your counter, draining the fun out of it.

You wanna make tanking more fun? You nerf Tanks AND their counters simultaneously. Like you could probably shave 20% HP and damage off most tanks, but so long as you nerfed stuff like Anti Heal or Hack, Tank fun would go up as a whole.


if the tank chills in the choke sure, when he hunts your team you should shoot at him.

i mean I usually go for other targets and then turn around after getting both supports just to see the enemy tank with my 4 wiped teammates. emoting on them.

If I play, I play tank and just wipe their team. :person_shrugging:
Gets boring quickly, its like I am playing launch brig or something.

I think you may have some wires crossed, as during OW1 beta and all the way up till post-GOATS there was no Role Queue, and beta and initial ralease even had duplicate heroes enabled.

I think I heard Jeff talk about testing and rejecting 5v5, but not combined with a single tank, or really even influenced by tanking at all.