My Ideal Patch Notes

Note: Only changing characters im comfortable to speak about. I understand roadhog and Orisa need nerfs but I got nothing for them so I’m not gonna pull something out of my… just for the sake of it.

Other than that, these are the changes I’d want to see on a patch notes.


Widows Kiss: 90 damage body shot / 180 headshot
Venom Mine: Can deploy three at a time. Holds three at a time. Allows widow to deal double damage on targets who are hit with Venom Mine


Staff (don’t remember it’s name): Damage boost starts at 30% but lowers the longer mercy holds it on an ally… or just add a resource meter to it.

(This forces mercy to heal, or change targets and stop pocketing the stupid sojourn)


Immortality field: Now takes 1.5s to activate after hitting the ground.
Now also has 500 HP

Healing: Baptiste can now shoot the ground and heal himself for 40 hp per nade.

(Immortality field was always a terrible ability to play against so now that it takes a bit to activate so it has to be used early and not just “saved your life” or “denied ultimate”)


Suzu (also don’t know the name): Now cleanses and stops stuns but no longer makes you invulnerable to damage.

(I’m personally fine with suzu stopping stuns, we should’ve had that a long time ago. But we don’t need immortality in the game…)


Orb of Harmony: When not on an ally, it heals zenyatta

(Makes sense and gives Zen more survivability. Don’t think it’d make him meta, but it’s a start)


Sound Barrier: Being hit with sound barrier now applies an amped it up speed boost or healing depending on what song is playing.

(Once again, makes sense. “Lets drop the beat!” But not get the effects of the song playing. Could allow for some cool combos like speed and the ultimate and speed again.)


Biotic Orb (healing): Now removes negative overtime effects or debuffs (not stuns)
-Some being anti nade, fire ticks from dynamite, widow poison, slows.

Biotic Orb (damage): Now removes enemy buffs only for when orb is connected to the enemy.
-Some being speed boosts, boosted healing, damage amplification, nano boost.

Coalescence: Applies the biotic orb effects respectively.

(Moira is in need of utility in her kit and this could make orb not just a skilless throw orb. The ability to shut down a nano blade, nano tank, or cleanse dynamite or anti nade would be huge for Moira. Almost a direct counter to Ana and Ashe.)

In Conclusion
I’ve been wanting to post this for awhile but never found the time to do so. I understand there’s gonna be some windowlickers who are like “those are stupid ideas, immorality is fun to play against”, but it’s cool. I’m more so just posting what ID like to see changed.

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  • I’ll start off by saying this Widow thing could potentially be chaotic against tanks as you’d be doing 460 damage with HS, while being blue beamed + poison.

  • A good Mercy knows when to exactly time the blue beam so…in theory this is useless, however it would stop the brainless blue beaming.

  • 1.5 secs…I feel it’s too long though. But interesting nonetheless. Self-healing with right-click would be insane – maybe a bit too insane.

  • No.

  • Potentially game breaking. He would heal an absurd amount when out of combat. I don’t know know how this would work out in the end though.

  • Interesting.

  • Absolutely not. No. Never. What needs to happen to Moiras orbs is being able to stop them when you want, instead of traveling forever(imo).

Didn’t read your post. Too long again

“Imma really get them with this one! I’m so original and funny!”
-Keckonak 2023

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