My hero 28 suggestion

Good day all, I hope you are all well.

I want to post my idea for hero 28

Name - Pyro

Type - Tank

Health 400 Armor 150

Weapon - Flameshot. Shoots a ball of fire with a:

Damage - 60

Effective Range - 50 metres

Can Critical - No

Rate of Fire 1 shot every 1.5 seconds

Ammo 10

Ability 1

Flameblanket - A blanket of Fire and Flame

Damage - 5 per second. Can kill multiple enemies

Duration 2.5 seconds

Radius - A cone much like doomfists seismic slam cone

Cooldown - 7 seconds

Ability 2

Flame Wall - A wall of flame that allows enemies to walk through but they take damage

Damage - 10 Per second

Duration - 5 Seconds but can be nerfed

Cooldown - 9 seconds

Walls size - Much like Mei’s Wall but 2.5M longer per each side


Pyropulse - Allows for a quicker rate of fire from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.

Duration - 8 seconds


Flame Child - Upon Elimination user gains a 0.5 second resistance

This is only 15% damage resistance.


Affiliation - Overwatch

Country of Origin - USA - Hawaii

Age - 45


Starts with Classic which is a red-ish color


Kauai - Purple Variant

Polū - Blue Variant

Pele - Red Variant

ʻōmaʻomaʻo - Green Variant


Carbon Fibre - Carbon Variant

Inferno - Fire Varient


Haumea - A Grey body with variation to gun and body with a face painted in greys

Kanaloa - A Orange and Blue body with variation to gun and body with face painted in colors

Lono - A Yellow and Black body with variation to gun and body with face painted in colors

Ka Lau - A Bronze and Green body with variation to gun



Fire Dance



Victory Poses

Calm - Gun slouched to the side, timid almost

Fury - Looking ready to battle, priming weapon

Flame Play - Holding fire in both hands

Voice lines

I don’t really know how to do these

I guess the standard would be something like ‘‘A touch of heat for battle’’

Highlight intros

Heroic - Standing with weapon looking at camera

Blanket - A look at Ability one in third person

Pyromaniac - Becoming over confident in battle

I don’t know what to put for a third one


Cute - Get 4 Kills with Pyros Ultimate

Pixel - Get 2 Kills with one use of Flame Wall

Golden Gun is just a golden variant of Pyros gun

Thank you for taking the time to look through this

Have a good day


this may be the only hero suggestion that is vastly underpowered, how would 20 damage every 1.5 seconds be op? that’s only 13.3 dps with his primary fire.

yeah i’d say with a few buffs this could be a really good hero.

Look there will be an edit from 20 to 60

ok that’s a lot more fair lol, would like a real DOT hero like this

I haven’t done a post like this before. Especially for a hero.

This is a good concept, but I feel like the primary fire damage is low. Maybe if the shots were double the current strength (60 -> 120) that would yield a DPS output of 80 damage per second. For the ultimate, I would keep it as is, but add in the possibility of maybe making it full-auto so that you wouldn’t have to keep clicking the mouse. Also, if the theme is Hawaiian, maybe the character name could be something like Keahi Mauloa, which translates into “Eternal flame” (they could call him Keahi for short). Other than that, I would definitely rate this hero a 9.5/10. Heck, I might even main him. :smile: :+1:

Five months later

Or… just hear me out we throw the scorch class in the game from titan fall 2

hero 28 already exists silly

Allright who necroed the thread

The guy told me to give him feedback…


You owe us all 500 OWL tokens

:frowning: Please no. I’m broke as is.

Thatll be me, the creator

I think this is underpowered. You gotta up his firerate/ dmg

But this was made before that so…

Rdy for my suggestion no no more heroes until the game is not broken anymore atleast to a certain degree no mroe events FIX THE GAME FIRST