My God I've Never Seen Such Terrible Matchmaking

Yup its definitely impossible that you’re just not as good as people above you, it must be a conspiracy.


That happens in every rank. Learn some other roles and you can make your teams comp better yourself and win more.


This happens every time, when the game is on sale. The smurf wave disrupts MMR for all ranks below diamond. It will pass within 2-3 weeks after the sale.


Hey, it is clear, they changed something at the end of last season (because last matches of last season were horrible, since the lunar year patch).

I believe, as always, that some heroes are advantaged by the MMR evaluation (it can’t be fair, be realist), so they get to climb a lot, and the others stay or drop. I believe DPS benefit from that, I have experienced all supports / all tanks matches : horrible! Not because they are not good, just because teams get no DPS players!

Also, maybe a consequence of Mercy nerf that makes support players drop.

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Ok Zelda, Kapoof, etc whatever else accounts you have. Stream/record your games and show us these potato players you get when “Blizzard decides it’s time for you to lose”.

BTW, the one and only person who has posted videos on the old forums to prove your point DID NOT actually get potato teammates, he got good teammates even though they made mistakes, AND it turned out he was a very quick tilter, probably like you if we’re going by your entire post history of complaining about potato teammates for nearly 2 years between this account and your Kapoof account.


It’s how the game mixes these non-serious players who come to comp and play their 17th most played. It mixes them with people who are on their mains playing at a much higher level of skill.

I would not touch my 17th most played in a ranked game, even though it’s probably got 10 hours. More than some players have on all heroes.

I’m not saying time put in is the same as skill, but there’s a huge difference between people who play a hero like second nature, and these people who simply don’t know what’s to do. Switching every time they die, because they have no confidence in any of the heroes.

The matchmaking is either bad at separating the good from bad players, or Blizz is doing it on purpose for some reason. They did have a patent for a system that put low players with high players in order to sell more loot boxes (because corporations are more evil than anyone can imagine.)


Those “non serious players” and “players that don’t know what to do” are about the same in their average performance as you, thats why you’re in the same rank as them. Seems you have some kind of misplaced belief that you’re the good one and the others in your rank are the bad ones. Not to mention that some people have alt accounts and could have practiced other heroes on those.


Sure man. After two years of playing, i can’t judge the ability of my teammates and enemies.

I can’t see when a switch flips and i get the worst bunch of teammates for 5 games in a row, after having a good teams who group, make callouts and switch to counter.

Maybe you don’t see it. Doesn’t mean ALL THESE PEOPLE who report the exact same problem are wrong.

How about this one. Had a game today, in high gold, with a Soldier 76, who ONLY plays Soldier… with 3 elims per 10 minutes. Think about how ridiculously low that number is.

My partner and i check people’s stats allllll the time on our games.

How is he in our game?

That’s the pathetic matchmaking.

Either way, we don’t need to prove it to you. Here to tell Blizz we don’t like it.


Lots of players with new accounts get placed plat by default. Then their descent begins, taking unfortunate teams with them… One reason gold tier is such a mad mixture of player quality, ranging from godlike to idiot tricklers feeding enemy team 1v6.

Good example of such a player in the Unit Lost “Boosted Genji” Youtube video.

Anyway, am having fun chilling with my chums in qp atm. I’ll try comp again in a few days and if match making still garbage, I guess I’ll leave it until season 10, or we get clans/ guilds, etc


Believing in average performance is a fallacy for every non-dps players and even for them it is not fair. Also, if you win, you get more interesting stats as DPS, if you loose, it should be easier to stack stats as DPS, compared to healers and tanks that just die by trying to win.

What is average performance? We don’t know as Bliz won’t give us MMR formula. Believing it is fair is religion as you simply can’t prove it is ok. It is the opposite in fact : why smurfing works, or boosting? Probably because grouping up, carrying with op player and new accounts that seem to have different MMR calculus for some reason seem to game the system.

Also, a great system based on data should forget old data at some point, hence why people ask for MMR reset. In machine learning, sometimes the best way to learn is to forget, science for you.

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  1. So you can’t play heroes unless you’ve played them for a long time in comp, makes no sense.
  2. There is no reward for throwing games, you will eventually get banned once people learn that you actually need/should report those people.
  3. Leavers already get an increasing penalty for leaving a game eventually leading into a ban and if you lose 30 SR after a player leaves you’re either AFK or belong in bronze.
  4. When you lose 30 SR you are playing way below the average of people at your level and when you only gain 19 SR you are also playing way below the average of people at that level.
  5. Level 25 entry for comp is fine you will get placed where you belong.
  6. The golden guns were a mistake that incentivised the wrong kind of people (i.e. you) to play comp.
  7. You have general chat and the internet at your disposal use them.
  8. Overwatch.
  9. You could go on but that wouldn’t help your argument.
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I can’t quite make any sense of what you wrote. You seem to be talking about something entirely different than what I’ve said.

From what I did get out of your post, you have some interesting concepts about MMR… Reminds me of people back in the day that got confused by a post of one of the devs. There is no MMR. SR and MMR are the exact same things. Blizzard only differentiates between “them” because SR is displayed rating and “mmr” stays the same even after decay, so if MMR was at all considered its own thing, it would be just your SR without decay.

New accounts never gamed the system, at best someone would could get higher placement, but they would drop down to the same rank they were on their main given they played same heroes.

People ask for SR reset only due to the common delusion that its something other than themselves holding them at their rank.

Smurfs are a big problem so a “Paladin” system where you have to level up on a hero before playing him / her in competitive would be so great. Imagine : you need 5 hours per hero you want to play in competitive, and you need at least 3 to go competitive! It would solve many problems and discouraging smurfs. Maybe by trashing quick play though.

Loosing a lot of SR during a defeat can happen depending on your role, if you are a healer or a tank contesting objectives, a defeat hurt you way more as you are de facto the target man and can get poor stats according to MM - valuing objectives is really low currently, not playing the objectives is not hurting and thus encouraged for stacked stats strategy. Somehow DPS lone wolves can’t understand that.

Level 25 is not fine, as smurfing is a real problem right now. You have to encourage people to improve at the game first, and making smurfing more difficult that would result in less throwers that don’t care because they have like 3 accounts to fallback to.

Golden guns are stupid. Agreed.

And Bliz is just making money. Whining on forums or youtube is our only way to make it change, or you know, just going to play other DPS like Fortnite or PUBG.


SR and MMR are the exact same things.

You are in denial. And you can’t prove it. MMR should be displayed to do so. It is only your point of view and extrapolation.

New accounts never gamed the system

We didn’t see the same things. Of course, you could say it is only my point of view, fair. I have played all seasons on my main account ranked between silver and diamond (that I reach in most seasons, I have to try hard on many matches to get back to high platinum where I think I belong) and hundreds of matches each season. If you try ranking on a new account without memory of old competitive I rank high platinum next to diamond, whereas on occasions I had gold on my main.

People ask for SR reset only due to the common delusion that its something other than themselves holding them at their rank.

Sort of. It is just that climbing is ridiculously more difficult than it should be. MMR is not the only problem, maybe it is not the major one as smurfs are ruining everything below low diamond (can’t say above, didn’t get there).

But it takes longer than 15 hours to get to level 25…

Huh well, then more time ok ok… lol

No diamond would ever be in gold on another account. Whatever you tell yourself to feel better.
Unlike you, I’ve read all the dev posts for the past 2 years about SR/MMR/matchmaking, which have (eventually) clearly explained what either was and was not.

You are free to not believe me. But heh, facts.

Check my main account then, I have finished gold one time, like in season 5 or so, 2 in platinum, and all the others I have reached diamond. I am high platinum most of the time reaching low diamond from time to time.

Sure, post your battletag

Battletag is Zenbeni#2787