My first thread ever

I live in the uk, and there’s no thanksgiving here, but I bought the first 3 dragon quest games on switch this morning so I have more now. As for the games you like, I’ve been playing botw recently and I’m planning on getting the next one when Christmas arrives.

How was your thanksgiving, though?

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Good one. :slight_smile: Charles Manson was one sick puppy.

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It’s common knowledge that Hog is a sociopath. He’s based on Diablo’s Butcher, to the point where he has a Butcher skin.

Butcher is a powerful demon that eats human beings, his signature line is, “oh, FRESH MEAT!!!” His voice is identical to Roadhog’s.

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I know absolutely nothing about the guy. The only streamer I have ever followed was stevoo for a bit, but every one is always mentioning him so I thought i would too.

Gracias, mi amigo.

It was awesome, the cowboys lost (sorry akaras)

Are you close to beating it?


I see we’re talking about our favorite games, hmm…

Anyone ever play a little game known as Terraria?


I’ve only done a couple of divine beasts, Ruta and Medoh, but I am taking it very slowly.

A couple days ago, I spent about 10 minutes using cryosis to make a bridge to an island quite far off the coast somewhere, just to find a quest that makes you lose all your stuff and since I only have about 8 hearts, I’m stuck.

Have not played since, might do a bit later.

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I have heard of it, but never tried it, is it available for the Xbox?

I remember that island. I’m not going to give any spoilers tho… I really enjoyed that game, because there are so many different ways to accomplish the same goal, and the artwork and soundtracks were great.

I might have to pick it up.


Sure is! The game is a total blast. Lots of bosses and content, fantastic soundtrack, imo

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The game’s constantly on sale, I got it for ten bucks when I got my Xbox One. Such a steal for a good game. A huge update is being ported to this edition real soon as well, so this is a good time for new players to get in on it lol

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Yes, is good game. I started a new save last week.

Shame I’m terrible at the game.


I got it for about 3 pounds on steam a few months ago, think it might be around 7 usually.


I hate when one side of my spawn is the world evil, and the other is a Desert in a constant Sand Storm… damn Angry Tumblers are so strong at the beginning lol :rofl:

I’m sure you’ll prevail!


Than by that logic Pinky wants to take over the world and Brain is just along for the ride.
I’m telling you, Junkrat is the crazy one. Roadhog is just the muscle.

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When you have full silver gear (aside from ancient demonite chestplate), a diamond staff and hooks, 220 hp and full mana, but you can’t beat literally the first boss.

Maybe expert mode was a bad idea…


King Slime might be an option boss, but he’s essential for Expert mode, imo

The Slimy Saddle will hard carry for so long, trust me.


Agreed. Terraria has a good OST.
I like the boss fights, weapons, and word building freaking game is just fun and I’m a 32 year old gamer so I’ve see all types


Tried that boss, everyone died.

Even the underground people.

Don’t ask how, I don’t know.

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Finally, someone else who loves music from Terraria! Got any favorite?


Try building up with Ropes about thirty-ish blocks, and build a bridge of wooden platforms. He can’t fly, just shoot down at him with your staff

GG EZ (pls no report for toxicity)


Dude… come on. A lot of Overwatch characters have root in other Blizzard games. The Butcher has been in Blizzard since I believe 1996, and Hog is directly based on him. Hog is an evil monster. Everybody knows this. The voice is the same, the personality is the same, that hook Hog uses is used by the Butcher demon. I’d say they look different, but they don’t, Hog has a Butcher skin.

Hog is an intermediate-power Satan.

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