My first 3 games back as tank

  1. 3 players in voice chat. complete silence. until ana chases genji around a corner by herself then obviously dies and then blames everyone else and then has a complete mental breakdown for the rest of the game in comms. The second DPS goes 7-16 and blames the team for “charging enemy zarya” (she only ulted once the whole game) and baby talks gibberish at the end. Mind you the second highest number of deaths was 8.
  2. 2 players in voice chat. complete silence. until someone hops in and mumbles nonsense for half the game and just blamed someone every time they died.
  3. 2 players in voice chat. complete silence. 1 healer only goes dps and keeps dying, the other dies 4 times from trying to solo res in the middle of the enemy team… in just the first round. Then hops in comms and talks bs.

zero people even attempting to group up or coorperate, zero chatter except for being cry babies having mental break downs. Like seriously every interaction in comms was that – just this snarky cry baby attitude. WTF is this game? It used to be fun.



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Tip: never play on weekends or during the holidays, the competitive matchs are full of 8-12 year old kids who are regular Fortnite-Halo-CoD players and who come to invade Overwatch with their particular skills and mentalities.

As you can see.

In suffering and despair.

They haven’t all migrated to Marvels Rivals yet. Not all of them.

This game been like this for atleast a year now; Massive groups of trolls/griefers

What rank is this? New players start around gold and so you don’t want to play there. Full of bitter people that have been hardstuck for years because they always blame someone else. The rest are noobs that are either throwing their way down to bronze or noobs that are mechanically good but don’t know you’re not supposed to shoot deflect.

Luckily tanks have plenty of carry potential if you’re playing above your rank. Pick 2-3 tanks, one main and one that plays well into your counters. You will climb above those people in no time.

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That’s been the game for years.

Lol. This is a pretty good summary of most matches.

Except for the charging Zarya thing. That is a real problem in many matches.

That is mostly because general player match intelligence is very low.

They point, they shoot. That’s about as far as it goes up there.

would a couple more tank passives make the experience better?