My favorite thing about overwatch (complaint edition)

My favorite thing happened today in Overwatch. I am finally trying to rank up and climbed from mid gold to now high plat. My 2nd to last game of the day we won and I received a whopping 9 SR from my usual 15-20. I expected to hit diamond and call it a day, but instead landed at 2990. Decided to do one last game only to have a guy never leave spawn and leave about 20 seconds after the match starts. The match didnt automatically end, instead we received the fantastic timer that lets us leave without being counted as a deserter! Team immediately gave up and I lost 25 SR.

Its really not that big of a deal - its just a really huge inconvenience. I mostly just have never understood how you can be punished so severely for other team members leaving.

Let me know what your favorite thing is in overwatch.


My favourite thing is when every game ends up having either an echo, pharah, hanzo, widow or a combination of them. They’re not broken, though echo could definitely use a bit of a nerf bat. I just find my enjoyment of that match immediately goes to near 0.

Any other hero is fine, even a tracer, but those 4. Those 4 are another story

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id personally like to see doomfist and echo nerfed

for echo: beam range and only 35% dmg dealt under 50% health
for doom: 0.7 second delay on each ability used

just my own thoughts as a genji player

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Thats… thats… horrendous

Both Doom and Echo are struggling right now yet you want them… nerfed?

My favourite thing as a tank player is when enemy is running Junkrat and Torb, and they’re getting ults every minute.

Meanwhile my dps are a Sombra, who ults 1v6 once per round. And, of course, a Widow incapable of hitting shots, or just pings into double shields all game and gets zero kills.

Then the dog crap dps complain about crap tanks or crap heals. That’s always funny.


Damn. :flushed: Allmost sounds like the match this morning that made me stop playing for the day. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :wink:

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my fav thing is when your healer sees you are at literally 0 HP but ignores it just to chase a kill.