My experience from Gold rank on Alt account (info, tips, stats)

Hey again, I would like to share my experience from next rank which Is Gold. This time its not full update because climbing 500 SR on all 3 roles is not a simple task and it will take me several days or weeks. So I will make few smaller updates. If you are interested to check my previous climb from Silver to Gold you can check it below. Inside my previous post is link to topic about low/mid bronze to Silver climb.

But now to my Gold - Platinum run. As last time I will share my statistics and some things I noticed.


TANK STATISTICS - imgur. com/a/121Lrux

I played Roadhog, once Zarya because Roadhog was taken. As you can see in the picture I climbed from gold to plat on tank with 28 games. As I explained in previous topic, I lost some data. Part of it was from my tank above gold because in the time when I was posting last update I actualy climbed with tank to 2207.

After I did climb into 2207 new season started and I had to do my placement games. I won all 5 of them and placed +132 SR higher.

I was taking some notes about my games which are not included in pictures. Generaly anything interesting worth writing down, anything funny or anything which made me angry :smiley: so here you go:

  • Yet again many silent games in EU, but its getting better as I am climbing and people do talk and do call outs more in Gold
  • We had few games where we played as off tank duo, suprisingly we were winning them too
  • Enemy Ana trashtalking her team for being bad(she wasnt anything special either)
  • Very depressive guy saying how is ow dead , how is everything bad and how we are losing(said it only once tho) second guy crazy laugh after anything said, weird game honestly, i was losing my mind, like 6 new accounts in match too, enemy hammond and ashe definitely werent gold players. We won.
  • Several games where people just could not group up at all. When asked why, they had lame excuses.
  • One very strange match, which felt way off, like everyone else except me was mid or high plat, two guys were diamonds before, it was one of the placement games. This game felt like suddendly I was 800 sr higher. Enemy team had two smurfs, but we won anyway.
  • One game was canceled
  • One game had leaver (enemy widow probably rage quitted after failing to deal with our widow)
  • Enemy player raging over our doomfist smurf but he said he is just new player, we had winston on new acc too, possibly alt too i think.


I did play only four games so far, from these 4 games:

  • Enemy team had two DPS smurfs one game, possibly boosting the Ana, one was genji probably plat-diamond. Second was soldier and he was like masters-grandmaster player on new gold ranked account. I could not deal with both of them on zen, but we almost won :slight_smile:
  • Hammond trashtalking our team, while that idiot was in our team. We did good and he was honestly trash, just rolling around payload all the time. We didnt get what he was talking about as enemy team didnt even push second point when he was trashtalking us in match chat.


I still have a lot to play and list wont be completed but so far I can say that gold players are stuck in gold because:

  • they dont group up
  • playing their heroes as they should not be play(example is flanking moira)
  • they waste ults a lot, not using them in right time, often using them when they dont need to or holding them way too long
  • team is often splitting way too much. Its often like this, someone from enemy team flank the point, half of team is going after 1 person, rest of the team dies in choke 3v5. Point lost.
  • they often keep fighting when we already lost point
  • they go same routes again and again without trying different better way
  • they cant often deal with pharmacy
  • they often dont pick main tank even when team need one

It’s kinda disappointing. As a gold-plat player myself struggling to climb effectively to plat this season I was really looking for good info in this but apparently it’s really generic and at times inaccurate. I think that regardless of my rank as a gold player I like to play with my team and use vc a lot. Yesterday a called out a push to stall on first point Havana that won us the point. I have to admit that my ult usage is way worse than it should be and that almost any aspect of the game I feel there’s stuff I can improve on. It’s a shame there’s no workshop to practice tank skill to my knowledge at least. Most of everything I feel like sometimes I can tunnel vision a lot and lose track of what’s happening around me. Do you have a fix for that? I noticed that using VC is a double edged sword, sometimes it helps my focus sometimes I need to just focus on my play and don’t say a word, especially when I have no idea what target to shot call or my team gets toxic and self-reliant. Sometimes I just cry at how mediocre my plays are, not allowing me to stand out in a game and make the difference, it’s something that frustrates me to no end :frowning:

There is not magical info what will make you climb fast anywhere. Every player is different and is doing different mistakes. What I wrote down are simple things which people dont do in Gold.

For example grouping up. I dont think I saw one game where would players group up as they should from bronze to gold.

So its good start to have some basics like grouping up, to know where to ult, when to stop fighting, peel for your team mates. Master 1-2 heroes max from each category if you are trying to climb, you can learn others later. Know your role, counterpicks, practice before comp, its a lot of stuff honestly and I could write several pages about that.

There is several people who do coaching on this forum (Nickdarick, Xion, Iloveyou?) , people who offer it. I would highly suggest you to start recording vods and let others to check it so they can tell you what mistakes are you doing.