Because I aquired account placed in bronze I would like to share my experience on it. Tank role was at 1408 SR, support role at 1081 SR and DPS at 1052 SR. So far I climbed to Silver on all of them in few days. I would like to talk about few points and give some feedback.
- Why you are stuck in bronze
- Explenation of heroes I used
- My rules and next goal
- Statistics
Things I saw in bronze were hilarious, disturbing, weird and shocking sometimes. I will write down list of things what I saw people were doing in bronze and if anyone in bronze is reading this, try to avoid doing these things so you can climb.
People are in bronze because:
- They rarely turn around, and if they do its very slow
- They have no concept of grouping up, I didnt see that in one game
- They defend outside of point, they dont fight on point when they should
- They dont cooperate and use ults together
- They go into 1v6 fights, even ults 1v6 solo often, even when enemy team just captured point.
- They dont know what their abilities do, they use them wrong
- They have often totaly weird positioning when defending, often on low ground, very rarely they are on high ground
- They dont join voice chat( they do in US, they dont in EU)
- They are often oblivious when someone is shooting at them or killing them from high ground or from behind
- They dont use high ground as advantage
- They dont know which heroes to pick to defend or to counter enemy heroes
- They often peek and die for no reason, I saw this many times done by support players.
- They try to defend infront of enemy spawn
- Reinhards are either charging like maniacs suiciding or they are extremely passive never pushing.
- They fight in situations when they cannot win, fight to death when they can escape
- They feed horribly dying one by one
- They keep fighting 2,3,4v6 in lost fights
- They dont switch when they are countered
- 70% people in voice dont listen strategy and call outs at all, symetra saying teleport left, nobody cares and they go right
- They often do talk weird nonsense in voice chat or normal chat(but its all ranks lol)
- They do horrible team comps
- They go same routes, flanking over and over again even if they failed multiple times, being way too predictable
- They stand still or move in straight lines
- They are not pushing on tanks even when team has multiple kills
- They dont heal and focus dmg while team mates are dying
- They ignore flankers killing their team mates while they are able to help them
- They dont help to mercy players get back to fights, lucio players dont help team mates who are respawining to get back faster
- They dont shoot Junkrat´s tire
- They ignore Symetra and Torbjorn turrets
- They use ults for no reason
- They die to ult without trying to hide
- They cant deal with bastion as there is no team work often.
Thats about it, there is probably more things I missed tho.
I would like to say that I could play any hero and climb, but it would be longer way on some of them probably. Mostly because some heroes require more help from team than others.
Tank - I played only 4 games to be silver. I played Roadhog in them. I prefer him over other tanks as he doesnt need as much team work from others.
Support - I Tried Baptiste and Mercy, but in the end I stayed with zen mostly. A lot of people in bronze is playing reaper and zen is so good against him. People are often playing main healers in bronze ELO so playing off support who can do a lot of dmg and save others from powerfull ults is good idea. And he is meta now anyway.
DPS - I played mostly Mei, some games Widowmaker and McCree, even Pharah and Reaper when I felt like I need to play something else when I was countered. As we know, Mei Is kind of meta hero and she is very strong at low ranks as she can do so much on her own. I could honestly play reaper, but I felt like it would be too easy.
I did set few rules for me and I will kep playing by these rules even in future on this account. I sometimes slightly bend them tho :).
- I am trying to stay positive all the time
- I am trying to not be toxic and comment others and their gameplay or hero picks
- I am trying to play only SOLO (I made exception with last 4 games on support where I played with my silver friend and I had like 3 occasions where I grouped up with people I played with in random games. People like to group up when they win. But I try to avoid playing in bigger stacks.
As I already climbed into Silver, my next goal is GOLD rank and I will make similar topic like this when I will do it.
This part will probably be interesting for a lot of people, I tried to keep as much information I was able to. If you want to see pictures, just copy the text and delete blank space after dot. I used one column “Special”. I used that for writing donw the leavers, smurfs, throwers and stuff like that. E. before next word mean enemy. For example "E.LEAVER means he was on enemy team.
TANK: imgur. com/mr4zcQ7
SUPPORT: mgur. com/raKL0j0
DPS: imgur. com/qxrKLFI
So I did 4 games on tank, 14 games on support and 22 games as DPS
In all these games I saw:
- 1 game where someone on my team left and we lost because of that
- 1 game where someon left and we won 5v6 anyway(pushing payload all 3 points 5v6+ second round win 5v6)
- 3 games were canceled
- 3 games where enemy team had leaver who cost them the match
- 2 games enemy team had try hard smurfs (we won anyway)
- 1 game where enemy team had smurf duo playing dumb on purpose, but I cant say they throwed exactly(we won)
- 1 game where my team had Zarya smurf tryharding(we won)
- 1 game where our Mei was throwing (i watched replay, we lost btw)
I would like to mention that enemy teams have a lot more chance to have leaver if you actualy play good as they will tilt because their team is failing. If you keep playing good, your team will be happy and have less chance to leave from tilting.
Was there anything else interesting I saw? Oh yes
- Ana noticing I am carrying, giving nano to my hog every time, which was nice
- Roadhog going 1v6 solo utling while we were capturing point 1
- Team incredibly feeding in attack and holding first point after 1:0 like pro team
- A lot of absolutly silent games in EU
- Being told to switch when I carried as Widowmaker
- Useless tanks +support blaming our dps while they were only ones doing something and had card with amazing stats at the end
- Kid demanging Ana for his genji multiple times, told to switch and he did lol, I guess good kid
- Most insane game I ever saw, when my team won game by playing 5v6 payload map. We defended all 3 points(lost them) and then pushed all 3 too, whole time with 5v6, we even had more time and won next attack round. It was joy to see so much happines from my team.
EDIT: I almost forgot, here are time stats just for fun
Time wasted in queue: 1 minute 38 second
Time in game: 47 minutes 34 second
Time wasted in queue: 18 minutes 31 seconds
Time in game: 2 hours 44 minutes 36 seconds
Time wasted in queue: 2 hours 35 minutes 33 seconds
Time in game: 3 hours 51 minutes 33 seconds
Queue times on support and even dps are shorter in US than queue times in EU, sometimes you will get game in US even 2x faster.
Thats all I guess, leave a comment if you like my topic. I will write next one after I will climb again, next stop is GOLD