My experience from bronze rank (info, tips, stats)

I have been debating weather to go down in bronze to experience what happens down their closes iv been was 1500

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If you want to stop having discussions about bronze, stop bringing it up everywhere you go (literally every single post I ever see from you is you whining about it or getting in pissing contests/getting confrontational over it). Like, we get it, you manage to be so bad that people can’t even try to get where you’re at. Get over it and stop bringing it up. Stop entering topics about bronze if it annoys you.

Ha! i assume that your comment was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, seeing how chaotic Bronze level play can be or is rumoured to be.

However, in all seriousness, having played over 50 games in Bronze this Season, i respectfully disagree.
In fact, in a tier such as Bronze, team composition is even more important than not.

In a game whereby both teams are genuine Bronzers, snipers, Soldier 76 and McCree are not good picks because they cannot kill stuff due to their aim being bad. The same applies to Ana as well. Bap is a little better because his heal is AOE and Immortality often bails out the team, when the Bronzer lands it right.
To show how awful aim can be in Bronze, as Orisa, i am in the top 77% for accuracy and my aim percentage is … 27%.

DD players are better off choosing characters like Reaper, Mei, Junk Rat and especially Bastion if they want to win.

Healers, Mercy and Lucio are good because Moira players are almost always dmg Moira and don’t heal.

Tanks, double barrier typically wins games.

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Thanks for replying Love.
You mean by catching them through playing Flank Hog like this?

Also, i don’t know wht but this short parody just seems so appropriate here:

I look forward to your gold to plat post.

bronze player here. I have climb from 700 to 1500 so I have seen lower and over 1000 sr.

as a Zarya main in bronze I have seen that a lot of time that rain charging at enemy. I most of the time bobble him and tried to make the enemy attack me to make sure he didn’t die because I am very depending on him. Most of the time before matches I tell my rain to stay with me to make sure he doesn’t charge at enemy.

pretty accurate

I haven’t had so much problem with bastion in bronze. there are so many ways to counter him. I use ana to sleep him, hog to hook him and I have even killed him with zenyatta when he is not aiming at me, but that was most of the time when the enemy don’t have mercy. not sure why they don’t go with mercy when she can rez bastion when he die.

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Trust me, if I really wanted to whine, I would speak in other words. I would blame every single thing.
Matchmaker? Rigged to all heck because Team Jeff has made a decision to keep me where I don’t belong.
Teammates? All pathetic beings brought by the matchmakers. They can’t do anything and I am pulling over 9000 % of my abilities because I DESERVE to stand next to those boiz from the League.
Enemies? A bunch of smurfs and derankers from Top 500! And they’re huge cheaters! They must all be reported and banned!!!
Also, Role Queue must be erased, I wanna play 6 DPS again! Heck, make everyone DPS, the game will win more with that!

Did I miss anything? Perhaps you could add something else that I forgot.

Look, I could go that way. But I didn’t. I know it’s pointless. Instead I am occasionally laughing or being slightly angry at the fact that to oh so many people dudes like me are a huge mystery. Like “how are you still not banned for life?” kind of thing. They don’t understand, they’ve never been in such state of things and even if they were, they have lost that feeling that I still have.

I think they can. But most won’t do it. Because I highly doubt that anyone will fall that low to explain how do they understand stats or what do they see as… takes notes good positioning or how proper gamesense looks like.

I can agree with everything you’ve said but not this. Yes it’s true but the logic is flawed and incomplete. Just because you have one random player less doesn’t mean you have a higher winchance.
Like you figured out most leavers are afk and get the game canceled anyway so it doesn’t matter which team they were on. The other kind is tilted players and this can happen on any team your mates could tilt, your enemies could heck even you could.
I would even say that if you are fed up with how random ranked can be and get toxic its even more likely to have leavers even with one random less which is why your mentality is so important.
Oh yeah not to mention your enemy team has a 6/11 chance to have a smurf who will carry the game. You don’t even need a GM smurf all you need is him farming your teammates because they give him too little respect and don’t see him as a smurf, even one rank higher is enough for that.
Thats also how you climb be exploiting your enemies.

Hey , would you be so kind and post my new pictures in this topic just like you did here?

Of course, Love.

I will post the images so long as i have Trust Level 3 on the forums.
Although, i would admit that it may not be for long.
I probably would be ceasing my participation in the forums soon as well as playing the game.
However, i will continue to help as long as i can.

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I take offense. Bronze is not a number. Its a way of life. A religion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anywho, thoughts on Hammond to climb from low silver (high bronze) to gold+?