My custom overwatch patch 2

What falloff range means is

  • at what point does damage begin getting reduced

Currently up to 13m tracer is still doing normal damage if her bullets hit

Im making her damage start going down 3m earlier

This combined with spread forces her to get much closer to do any meaningful damage

OKAY thanks for the clarification.
Yes I most certainly support your Tracer changes. PLEASE BLIZ PLEASE

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Honestly I love this and really want to test it too.

What do you think of trading deflect buffs for 29 or 30 DMG?

I dont mind the deflect change, i think beeing cancelleable makes sense.

It makes sense but it removes a lot of the skill and tech gengu mains had to learn so itā€™s become kind of easy to get value out of in a 1v1

Genji changes are actually legit

Doomfist Is Broken. Its obvious.

Wait do you mean broken as in buggy?

Broken as in buggy. Like how he can get ontop of roofs and use it to his advantage which isnā€™t fun for the enemy team, his damage is ridiculous, when he uses his punch ability he can travel from ground level and high ground without using his jump ability. Thats what I mean.

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The genji change is kind of a big joke tho.

How to make genji useless you mean

D.Va- Changes seem fine, she might become overly tanky though
Orisa- No, Shatter is already so easily blocked we dont need more things that can
Sigma- This would solidify double shield as the meta
Zarya- Unneeded change, Zarya is way to dependent on Rein and is easily one of the worst tanks in organized play
Bastion- Might be OP but im willing to try anything at this point

Brig- This would be OP, being able to send in a Genji with 275 hp? or a Tracer with 225? essentially more because of armor values, Brig has been bad for the game since day 1 and the rest of the changes would be bringing her back to her old state while buffing Inspire possibly the most broken passive in the game
Ana- Yea, sure

Doomfist- ?? this would just take the fun out of the character, it would allow the same mechanics but would just be unfun. Other buffs are nice
Genji- Erm, Honestly the blade being damage boosted isnt the issue, its the fact that he basically has 400 hp while being able to oneshot, I would prefer it if maybe you targeted nanoā€™s damage reduction on certain heroes, like 50% reduction on tanks and only 25% on DPS and Supports.
Pharah- This wouldnā€™t be a bad idea
Sym- It would be a nice buff but its not really attacking her core problems
Tracer- With Brig coming back that will be enough of a nerf to Tracer, Right npw Tracer is fine.

Its literally a complete buff in every angle unless you are nano boostedā€¦
changing one interaction and buffing him elsewhere somehow makes him useless? :confused:

if the blade isnt damage boosteable dash+slash combo does not one shot anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

that would be a lot harder because of the highly nerfed repair pack range, and the increased cooldown making that have a lot more downtime, and waste brigs peel,

Double shield 2: electric boogaloo

Believe or not, but this is exactly what happens and doom isnā€™t the only one who can do this :roll_eyes:

Man makes more noise than a jet engine

Owl is its own separate game with its own separate rules, I mean they usually play on different patches and if there was something wrong with it they would have fixed it. Theyā€™ve even acknowledged it in the reddit ama when some asked which hero was played drastically different then what they expected. One of the devs replied with doom and his rollouts.


Brigs getting the axe down below, thats why im buffing themā€¦

yeah but if in PROFESSIONAL PLAY, where the best of the best are playing, that mechanic is banned then theres clearly a problem with it.

I am legit scared but I want this


Pharah: No self damage from primary fire.

Ok this is ok. BUT I would much rather:
30 to 40HP
Cast time down to 0.1s from 0.5s
Deployment time decreased from 1s to 0.4s
Projectile speed increased from 16m/s to 20m/s
Dps per turret reduced from 40 to either 35dps or 30dps.

This makes the turrets flow better, more consistent and useful as a midfight duel distraction.

If symmetra is being engaged and she uses a turret, it often moves so slow it never lands and it often deploys/casts so slow it never deploys. This way the turret will deploy much much quicker and act as a distraction but deal less damage to compensate. This also frees up Symmetra as previously her 0.5s cast time was AWFUL. I mean charging an orb takes 1s or charging your beam to next level takes 1.33s this 0.5s window is HUGE to symmetra.

Also it just makes them more consistent at CC because they now donā€™t just die.

Thank you for listening to my TED talk and thank you for the balance patch these are my favourite kind of posts.


this could work i guess, i mostly did it to make turret bombs not have that much of a downtime