My biggest complaint about Sombra:

If you play good Sombra people will leave the game
It’s a real issue

I think the issue with her is the spawn camping. She has the advantage on many heroes in a 1v1, and during the fight just by not being isolated on your own drastically reduces her impact. But you can’t do anything about that if you were the only death in the fight, and now have to walk back.

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It’s not even spawn camping, it’s consistent harassing and denying value
I am a Sombra main and the amount of games in which people leave because of me is insane

Even when you play defensive it happens.
People hate playing against Sombra more than anything else

Play comp then. They won’t leave

People hate playing against a ton of heroes, just up to their own opinion on what they hate most. Personally I hate playing against doom and ball more than anything.

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sombra is so fun since hyper mobility in stealth. also you can transfer levels easier than most heroes… low ground just throw your locator up one level and you’re high ground and back in stealth.

move fast w/o worrying about being detected. be a big time pest

my usual pest game as sombra… not my best game but how it usually goes… earlier game today and yea im all pest like

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Shes more like Sombra76

Sombra withperma stealth, a bloated amount of ammunition to use vs what is needed to drop a target with 200 hp with a hard hitting skill shot

She can be strong but also pretty hard to play
You have to play smart and good to be consistent with her

Good supports are a nightmare for Sombra, if they are aware and peel properly, forget it with flanking

Step 1. Pick brig.

Though I guess despite the years of Brig being in the game, I suppose everyone forgot how to play Brig to counter divers.

The problem is in common games teamwork isnt that prevelent. With the fact she can stalk you on whim and end squishies with relative ease. Makes her problematic for the general community to deal with

Yea, its sad how immature this games playerbase has gotten…

Play a pvp game. Then throw tantrums when they gotta play against better players…

Ngl, im at a point where i play sombra, pharah, and orisa… just to make those players mad…

Lol this is what I do with her. Spawn camp an Ana for the entire game because missing an Ana is ten times worse than missing a Sombra in a fight.

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And it makes perfect sense to do that to increase the chance of winning, but is certainly miserable gameplay for the Ana. I guess they can swap to a worse hero like moira to be able to get back to her team. But at that point they spawn camping still helped by forcing a swap.

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You can pressure Sombra as Ana, but you have to land your shots

You can, but sombra certainly has the advantage, and can only really die if they hit a sleep. Usually plenty of health packs to run to and re engage if you needed to leave.

Here’s mine: What is this folklorica skin? She’s just in her standard jacket and tights. The whole point of folklorico is the dance, the folklorico ballet, and the skirt is an essential and iconic part of the art form. As a Mexican American I had been wanting to see a sombra folklorico skin for a long time and the one we got was a disappointment. It just seems to be a recolored standard skin with a different head, when it could have been something really unique and epic.

Imagine you put her in something like this:
You could have done so much more with it, and it’s primarily just a recolor. I hope they revisit the concept in the future but I’m not optimistic. I think it could make a great Halloween skin for her if nothing else (day of the dead themed for the occasion).

Agreed, all I see people doing is dying once then immediately switching to Sombra and spawn camping. It just completely ruins the game for everyone

If you play good on 90% of the heroes people will leave

people still leave quite often in comp, at least in my region. it becomes a 4v5 and we end up losing.

I haven’t seen that “often” since the bans got stricter