However, the link directs to a page that does not exist -.- I had a hunch that the ‘bug report’ feature was only availabe in the US and A, so I swapped out eu with us and voilá, now I am here!
After some more quick research:
^ that’s the link that the customer service agent should have referred me to. Quote from the link: “We are investigating an issue with Baptiste’s “Zombie” emote. We have disabled this emote as we work to fix the problem.”
First off, maybe give a heads up next time you just straight up remove one of my all time favorite OW emojis, from one of my top OW heroes (or remove ANYTHING at all actually, without, at the very least, notifying about it), and replacing it with an annoying “EMPTY” slot…this triggered my OCD immensely! A few months ago, I spent like a whole day organizing and equipping everything on all heroes, so that I never had to do it again, not(?)…who knows what else might have been removed without me getting notified about it? Please, blizzard management, pretty please, do everything that you can to avoid removing anything from player profiles, if there is actually a bug on the emote/victory pose/whatever, just patch it and replace the faulty emote with the fixed one automatically. And if you absolutely have to remove something, for the love of god, make sure players are notified of it! Because not doing so, yeah sorry to say but it’s true, that’s just straight up sh!tty behavior. I’ve had the Baptiste zombie walk emoji for years now, and been playing the game since launch day. How do you think that makes me feel?
So, my question is: how long until the Baptiste zombie walk is fixed? Do you have a time estimate?
Seems when he drops his gun with the emote then you cancel it, Bap keeps playing without his gun, silently shooting enemies and leaving no weapon trails. Needed to be fixed.
Thanks for your reply, however that doesn’t change anything about what I wrote. I also did read about that yeah, and now that you have brought it up, let me just say that I have a hard time believing that. I’ve done exactly that tons of times with Baptiste, and that has never happened to me. Which means, if it actually is true, then it must have something to do with one of the newer updates. And that just sounds incredibly far fetched to me. I mean, the emote was released in either halloween 2019 or 2020, and worked flawlessly several years after that. And then, all of a sudden, a new update comes along that causes Bap to shoot silently with that particular halloween-ish emote, right before halloween? Yeah, I’m sorry but I’m still not buying it at all. Doesn’t it strike you as a fantastic co-incidence, that it happens right before halloween? Do you think, perhaps it could be an attempt from blizzard’s side, to put the emote in the next season’s premium battle pass or in some kind of bundle, and attempt to re-sell it? Surely, tons of players must have had it equipped, and probably a lot of those players forgot that they already had the emote. However, blizzard is a company of a certain dignity! So, I find that too, a bit hard to believe, that they would re-sell the same emote twice. But, it’s still a way more believable explanation, sorry to say. Unless somebody perhaps has a third explanation?
They just said it’s disabled while working on a fix, meaning you’ll get it back once its found. Your going to deep into tinfoil hat territory with this one.