My aim can be so bad sometimes

Like, unbelievably bad, missing the easiest of easiest shots as Cree or Hanzo, not hitting a single thing.

But at other times, my aim is just pure perfection, hitting almost every single shot I fire, why does this happen? I really can’t understand the logic behind this.

Anyone else got the same problem? And yes, this is a “you problem” lol :joy:


Aim can get affected by so many things: Lack of sleep, being hungry etc. Then there’s pressure to perform. I find my aim isn’t so bad until I end up in a situation where I simply MUST land this shot, and then suddenly I can’t even hit the broad side of a Roadhog.

I know the answer is to not get into such a flap about it, but in the heat of the moment it isn’t easy.

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My aim isn’t amazing at the best of times, but I vary from all right to embarrassing.

Sometimes it’s a one or two game problem and sometimes it’s just a “I can’t aim” day and I stick to playing Winston lol


For me, the closer the enemy gets, the harder they are for me to hit.

Yeah I don’t really get it either.


That’s the parallax effect

Their hitbox becomes relatively bigger but the amount it moves increases too

Usually there’s a sweet spot for everyone

Could be physiological (bad day), psychological (intimidating opponent), maybe it’s just the mechanics of the opponent (better strafing, positioning, awareness or reactions)

There’s a lot that can go into it, and it’s not always you :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have this problem too. Ive come to the conclusion its mostly psychological for me. I play better when Im having fun. When Im playing just because I have nothing better to do my aim is garbage. Its all about how into it I am


Yeah, but usually either my hands are really cold, or I just got back from the gym after lifting heavy weights.

Also I’ve found I get tilted way easier when I’m not hydrated.

Assuming your ability to aim stays relatively consistent…

The lack of movement accel in OW compare to…pretty much every single fps… means that there is a LOT more rng in aiming.

Basically, it gives a lot of power to the person being shot to dodge. But because of the pace of the game, the ability to aim and dodge outpaces you and your opponents reaction speed.

So you have to predict your shots. And your enemy gets to immediately move any direction they want to make you miss. But it happens so fast that they are predicting too.

Why does it feel like sometimes you are consistently aiming well and consistently aiming bad? A gambler remembers their hot streaks and their big losses. Nobody remembers the in betweens.

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I notice sometimes i start to grip the mouse too hard especially during a really intense match and it starts to throw off my aim

I gotta remember to stretch my hand and relax a bit, and the best way to describe it is gripping the mouse like a limp fish :rofl:

i think its just repetition. i was for sure better with widowmaker when i 1-tricked her all the time. i even had games where i was called a hacker. in no way do i have those games now since i branched out with different heroes. im still proficient with her but inconsistent since i dont practice or just play her 24/7. i use to be real good at killing tracers and genjis when diving me now i have to run away lol

I find the better the opponent, the worse my aim.

The ridiculous and unrealistic looking crouch+a/d spam really throws me off.


It has to do with the angle. A 5m move on an enemy like 30m out might only be a few degrees. A 5m move on an enemy left to right 1m in front of you can be like a full arc. The speed at which you have to track is incredibly fast and if an enemy jukes your aim by changing directions you need to slow down your movement and accelerate the mouse in the other direction. A little more time to compensate for aim compared to super far out.

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I have this problem too. A couple days ago my aim felt perfect. To the point where I had a couple games where the other team called me a smurf. The next day I struggle to hit anything and every game someone calls it a dps diff lol.

Yeah, sometimes I dominate games with widow making insane shots. And sometimes I just play Hanzo and hope someone walks in.

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There’s days I can get over 15 headshots and then 4 headshots the entire game.

Focus on what your left hand does instead. Strafing is part of the aim, and strafes are less precise compared to mouse, because we have no movement acceleration in ow. That way your hands should be in sync, mouse hand should compensate for strafes, and left hand should help with keyboard. Most of the time it became opposite, when you spoil your own aim with keyboard movements w/o even knowing that. Then you go to aim lab or kovaak’s and see that your aim is okay, but you don’t move in these aim trainers.

Moving your character while shooting affects accuracy.

If your aim is bad, you’ll hit a lucky shot every now and then, it’ll boost your confidence and you’ll allow yourself to go for more bold shots and hit more of them. But if you miss, it’ll reduce your confidence, you’ll start rushing, being indecisive and won’t hit even the easiest shots.

If your aim is decent, I’d say it becomes more about the following few factors:

  • is the enemy intentionally dodging you, or are they preoccupied with your team? In games where enemies are aware of you and aim to counter you specifically, you’ll hit way less shots than in games where your team takes most of their focus. It’s very hard to hit an enemy that doesn’t want you to hit them.

  • if it’s a DPS duel, some games you might be rushing your shots without properly reading their movement, because you’re feeling pressure for w/e reason. This will lead to you missing and your opponent feeling less pressure to rush their shots, boosting their aim. You will get shot more often, you will hit shots less often, and it will continue to worsen with each fight you lose to them.

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That’s the mental side of your performance. It’s a tough problem to tackle.

Lack of movement acceleration, the top 3 to 5% of players only hit the 55% accuracy mark. Hitting things is hard when the enemy team can just spazz out on the battlefield like theyre having a seizure

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