My account got banned for "Account Boosting"

Is that air he’s even breathing? Imagine how much money they would even be saving if it was a bot.

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uhhhh. My dude, you deserve this ban. Just practice in quickplay instead of smurfing.


Smurfing isn’t a bannable offence

I am not going to dive into any specifics, but I am raising this where I can to try and get Blizzard to be certain of appropriate account actions. From what I am told, these bans are being verified. That being said, I would like to remind a few things.

  • Purchasing or accessing any pre-played accounts is a direct violation of the EULA. This includes any level 25 accounts or accounts already placed at any rank in Competitive.
  • Using any account to group up to other players outside of your skill range is considered to account boosting. This includes starting a brand new account and playing with other players before your own MMR is established.
  • Playing on a brand new account and using a VPN may trigger an action. If this happens you should appeal it and specifically specify that you were on a VPN.

As a reminder, we as the community, can’t do anything on the forums regarding account actions. If you are actioned for any violation of the Blizzard Code of Conduct or the Blizzard EULA, and you do not believe this action was justified, you need to appeal it and if the appeal is responded to, then that means a representative has reviewed it and will either uphold it or reverse it.

Additional information:


The term smurfing is extremely ambiguous. So for the purpose of clarification let’s reiterate what is and what is not acceptable.

  • Starting a new Blizzard BattleNet account and paying for a new license to play Overwatch is acceptable. Regardless of the account used, you are expected to play cooperatively and competitively to the best of your skill.
  • Throwing games for any reason regardless of the account used is not acceptable. If anyone sees any player throwing games or sabotaging their teammates, they should report them using the in-game report form.
  • Using any account in any matter to inappropriately boost up any account, whether it is that account they are using or boosting another account by grouping up is not acceptable.

Additional Information:


Oh snap, is Blizzard finally taking action on smurfs? I’m actually excited about this if true.

Ok this is incredibly vague in the sense of how do we know when our “MMR” is established since its invisible to us. I’d be curious to know. That being said, this makes me excited still because maybe we can start axing off many more players I’ve been running into who are I guess what we can now label as “boosting.”

I think it’s referring to a level 25 new acc of the alt of a GM+ player grouped with a plat friend for example. :upside_down_face:


You’d have to get enough people to report them.

Unfortunately, people in low elo are so desperate for SR, that they’ll literally climb over the dead bodies of other players just for the whiff of a Diamond Lobby.


Apologies for any confusion but when I say this, when you first complete your first placement matches for that role/mode and you can see a skill rating. Now an MMR is not fully balanced and calibrated until about 50 games played, but once you get a skill rating, that is what is used to determine who you can group up with.

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So hypothetically speaking if two users were to purchase lvl 1 accounts and exclusively play together one being a higher skill rating than the other ( one being around diamond and the other around gold/play) but being ranked at there actual MMR ratings using no third party software or breaking any rules would this be allowed or would those accounts be suspended?

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As far as I know yes because the game doesn’t know any better until it can recognize skill differences between the two players. It has been seen in the past that when a group of two or more players who started on brand spanking new accounts each and completed their first initial competitive placements, the resulting skill rating would vary greatly (mostly due to the performance-based skill metric).

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but would they be banned for this? if one placed plat and climbed to diamond while the other placed gold and climbed to plat all whilst playing together?

are you certain your friend was not using any third party software? I think they might ban you as well if that was the case as you were grouped together.

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Anyone buying new accounts to rig the ranking system should get banned. Good riddance.


Finally! Thank you <3

Prolly used some dumb mouse macro despite literally everyone warning people all around from using them as they flag you. Use default config on your mouse and change only the dpi.

Never heard anyone getting banned for boosting. Did not even know it was possible at all. So yea, since GM mentioned third party software my bets are on macros. So kinda your own fault.


Don’t have a mouse macro, I have a logitech mouse that runs the logitech software and a razer keyboard that runs the razer software. Thats it, this is just another example of the support system being literal garbage.

Razer software is notorious for a history of not working well with games, Overwatch included.

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Appeals are automatically denied without any research done by Blizzard. Customer service selects a reason and it sends you the form email. They selected the wrong one. Either way, your appeal would have been denied.

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