My 1,000th Post!

Yo migraine sufferer too. But yet I can play the bounce lord Doofmisty.

Although mine get set off from light (corners of my eyes), caffeine and chocolate and then boom fuzzy eyes and im the worst headache. And that other bad stuff

:sweat: I’m sorry to hear about that… That sounds awful.

Yea… i can see that being an issue… Especially as a Mccree “Main” Over time i’ve learned how to 180 flash bang Tracers… They get REAL Confused. X3

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I once Legit overdosed on Caffeine… My words of warning?


Just… Never…

It wasn’t all i had been going through at the time, and… It was BAD.

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Oh lord. Never gonna cause then Id OD on caffeine and have migraines and at that point id be seeing angels.

But I did once get way too high of petrol fumes.(Live In Aus and there was a servo explosion like 40m away from my house)

Lets just say i had a genuine “Tremor” in my hands and back, for about a week…
Also due to many other things at the time, but that was a large part of it.
(I’m better now)


Junkertown be LIT.

But no really… That sounds terrifying.

Ehh It would be But I live in a farming community (yes community its too small to be a town) Where the nearest grocery shop is 40 mins away and im the only one with a computer. So Lots of cane fires and im kinda used to having ash all over the place and smoke all in the sky

I would literally live there.

No kidding.
I grew up in a Very small town… i burned things often.

And yea… That’s kinda cool actually.
I live in a boring middle of “City” Town, with NOTHING To actually do… <.<

Yeah hate those places. Wouldnt find me near one. But hey I hope you end up getting out to a place you like when you finally settle down


I am close to 3000 points

I’m already planning on it. :3

And thanks.


Lynn, i feel i must apologize for coming in, and basically taking over your very nice thread… Bastion mains talk a LOT.

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Rip poor post 1 leik = 1 lyn

Thank you very much! :sun_with_face:

I am in the ER a lot because of them, I sympathize friend.

I currently live an hour from anything, my hope is to move somewhere far away from here someday :heavy_heart_exclamation:

lol … . honestly? I am really happy this post brought about all this discussion. It’s been really lovely.

I hope you reach your dream. :3

I personally intend to live quite far from anyone else…

Chibi is happy to have helped!

I’m always up for some discussion, no matter the Topic really… :smile_cat:

Im secrelty using this post to bolster my own posts so soon Ill be 3000 then ill be one step closer to 4000 but my real dream is 42069

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:smirk: I see you over there…

If I could do this, but not live with toxic individuals and have good internet :ok_hand:

Get out of my head, demon! :laughing:

This is exactly me…
(and my plans)

Dammit i cant post my meme since im not level 3 anymore. Curse you autoban system

I’m not there yet, I’m close though! :+1:

It really is the ultimate dream… :relaxed: we’ll see if someday I can fufill it.

Was it in-game or on the forums? You’ll get it back soon if it was just the forums!

Let’s celebrate when you do! :sun_with_face:

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Yeah forums. Its happened before so i just gotta keep on keeping on. But damn auto system. I only said 1 naughty word