My 1,000th Post!

Very good guess… though, if we’re getting technical i have a favorite real animal, and non real one… And Foxes are the Second pick behind those. If that makes sense…

Congratulations Lynn

Of course it makes sense. Is it a good guess because i correct? Unicorn maybe. But i suppose if youre a fan of harry potter its more likely to be a hippogryph. But damn dragons/Wyverns/Wyrms are cool as heck

wait a sec, hold up now…

what exactly are you implying there…

Sadly, it’s not as mainstream as that…

Buckbeak is pretty high up the list…

Completely agreed.


I’m literally saying in a completely innocent way, the photos they provide are useful to the situation at hand… and add special depth to the conversation.

Would you be as kind as to provide the local region/ mythology that this creature prevails from. My knowledge of these things is pretty good I might be able to guess it. Plus i love guessing games

Well, it’s a bit weird…

Technically it originally comes from gaming culture, but is also Technically a “Real” fake species.

Lets just say in the beginning of it’s life it once had ties to the game Spore.

Oh god Im screwed. The amount of whacky creatures in spore reaches the millions with a significant number being phallic.

Well, i’ll give you a bit more… It has since been worked into such a well thought out species, that it has an official wiki dedicated to the species alone.

And has appeared in Mods for some specific other games.

Sorry Lynn for the derail… <.<

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Thank you friend! :two_hearts:

:smirk: Incredibly wholesome content, of course!

Derail away, I’m happy to read this interesting topic.

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Got a little nervous there

Yeah lol way to say “I’m the captain now”

Jeff ate all my likes… -.-


PharHǝntoi’s Ganymede of hearts!

(I will be genuinely surprised if DoctorKid can guess my favorite animal… No one has before.)

Well… Fictional animal…

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its a spore character

case closed



Began it’s life in spore… It is no longer.
(If i’m even remembering that correctly…)

There is even Lore on the Icy Planet they come from…

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Surprisingly not number one.

But like, in the top five, yea. :3

You can’t beat Dragons in the right story/world.

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look man idek what spore was

i originally thought you were talking about spyro alright

I know this isn’t correct but you said Icey and your name has fox in it so all I could think of was:

And I want eight.

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too pure for the forums

this is why we need more people like you here

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Tauntaun or wampa? Also im taking longer because im making my own heartigram and it takes time