MVP Jjonak Zenyatta Legendary Skin officially revealed

nope, just came to this post like a minute ago, because I just woke up
anyway kinda sad because I cant earn OWL tokens

So it took a year for a skin…

Inelgible country? Bummer. As a reminder tokens are available to purchase in the BattleNet store for PC or your console store.


They already did for Roadhog, it’s called Toxic


Well played, m8, well played.

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Well, they got the balls part the most interesting of it. That’s all that matter since that’s the only part you’ll see often.

An OWL skin to honor an exceptional OWL player… appropriate and appreciated!

I know where half my tokens are going on the 27th. Thanks, Blizzard!


Best player of the year > Best player of one playoff tournament.


During a limited time? When is the last day to buy the skin? I’m goin on vacation and want to know if i have will be able to earn the token be it expires.

July 14th is when the skin will no longer be purchasable.

Theyre talking about the translucent tentacles, doesnt make much sense as an argument against the skin, but thats what theyre talking about and theyre right about it

he loves eating calamari rings

I love the orbs and face, bit of a shame about the costume, but it’s still pretty nice.

I like skins like Barbarian but I can completely understand your distaste for content like that being in the game. It doesn’t help that I just plain don’t like the monster/demon/whatever designs.
I hate a lot of the masked/robotic skins as well. Maybe I just don’t like the skin artists’ vision that much.

So, now that we have Metroid in game, when can we expect to see Samus Pharah?


I don’t get this community. Every game has a dedicated skin for a player who is good with a character. Fans can also support them by buying the skin. IE. Dendi pudge skin, shroud themed guns, etc. This seems to be the only community who loath their pro players, while other games enjoy watching theirs.

I don’t find any reason to create a skin dedicated to the community, when the community wants something different in a skin. Skins for events or causes are welcomed though such as Mercy pink skin.


Gee. I wonder why? maybe because all the focus (outside of skins and maps) is on OWL

If you aren’t pro, blizzard doesn’t care about you. Prove me wrong.

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I wouldn’t know, since I’m not that old of a player. I always saw the Esport scene of games grow with the community.

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Do you think jjonak will be allowed to use it during OWL?

Interesting question…it does still technically have NYXL color scheme to it…

Also…while I have already said I like the skin…I just now realized it’s one of the 2 characters I actually have gold weapon for!!

Golden octopi here I come!!!