It’s bad. Only ways I find it useful are for when you’re predicting ults or trying to zone out a sniper but only temporarily. Otherwise it’s just another ability to the trash pile. I’ve had an idea in the past that alters it.
New Symmetra Passive: Hard-Light Augmentation
Symmetra’s abilites are now affected by which ultimate is placed.
Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets recharge faster (6 Second Cooldown) while Teleporter is active, also gaining increased slow and minor improved range.
Photon Barrier can now be used on allies to give them a frontal shield that lasts 3 seconds, is smaller, and only absorbs 300 damage.
Sentry Turrets gain a shield similar to Zarya’s Particle Barrier. This Shield will block 1 damage however absorb any 1 instance of damage dealt ex. if it’s a one-shot move like D.Va’s Ultimate the turrets will not be destroyed however the shield will. This shield has a 25 second cooldown.
Photon Barrier temporarily shields allies for 50 HP when Photon Barrier passes through them, decaying over 3.5 seconds.