💪 How Good is Photon Barrier?

well I was more thinking about when u sneak up on someone and hit them with a full charge orb before going full laser

It’s bad. Only ways I find it useful are for when you’re predicting ults or trying to zone out a sniper but only temporarily. Otherwise it’s just another ability to the trash pile. I’ve had an idea in the past that alters it.

That is luck shot, they can avoid it by luckily walk out but luck is on your side so they get hit

Only thing about turrets is how clunky they are when installing them and how easy they are to break

They cant if u flank and u release right behind them

Walking to them without them noticing u is already lucky enough dont u think? Or maybe their game sense is trash lol but i know what u mean, tho its dangerous for sym to be alone in the enemy’s backline bc u can be killed at anytime

Razi, what do you think about the improvements I listed?

Kryton, what do you think about my suggestions to improve it?

Zwei, sounds like you are not even using it to its full capacity.

On a side note - “zone out a sniper but only temporarily.”
Imagine if you could permanently zone out snipers… That would be super broken and would not be fun at all, if you are the sniper.

Kyarameru, Photon Barrier is much stronger than this. Since it can block damage for your entire team and your self.

She already have good zoning, through Turrets and Secondary fire, so a Zoning Barrier is not a necessity for her.

That said she can already Zone via Photon Barrier.

When she sends it forward, in that Area behind the barrier the enemy cannot deal any damage. So they are forced to move out of the way, if they want to do damage.

That is pretty strong but not stronger than Photon Barrier. Since you can already do this with Photon Barrier AND protect your entire team with the same ability.

Shinypants, exactly this!

The barrier can protect everyone including yourself all at once.

Every other suggestion I have seen for the Barrier only seems to aim it at 1 other ally.



Do you realize how much stronger Barrier is compared to that ability you are suggesting?!

It could be a bug or it could be lag. Because the game favours the shooter, it will take Rein’s command in first and only then yours, so it seems from the server side you were a bit too late in casting it.

And this also applies to McCree Stun, Roadhog Hook, etc.

It could be a bug but I think it is the “shooter-first” preference of the game.

People already know its weaknesses so I had to really detail out all the little things you can do with Photon Barrier to give people a clearer idea on what its strengths are.

On a side note - an abiility can have 1 million good uses but if it is really weak most of the time, during most of the game, it’s gona be a really weak ability.

Photon Barrier is not exactly like that, though, that’s why I suggest that it only be buffed if Devs think Symmetra needs a buff.

Every suggestion I have seen so far is something much worse. What could be a better ability than Photon Barrier (+ the improvements I listed).

[quote=“Ryto-11886, post:6, topic:37328, full:true”]
they are used for ult rather than defensive purposes like they were designed for.[/quote]
But that’s optional. You don’t have to use them to Defend Ult you can put them to Defend the main point.

Yea I talk about that in my other threads, how they should be faster to place and they should have lower cooldown, since they are meant to be disposable 1hp Turrets.

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I changed my mind, i will let her have both kind of barrier, lower cd and can store charges.
Photon barrier for team move, single Photon Sphere barrier for 1v1 or zone out a specific enemy


Finally, someone gets it! I adore this post. You’ve given an accurate and thorough breakdown of Photon Barrier’s strengths and weaknessss and your change suggestions are interesting, balanced, and are in keeping with the spirit of the ability. You have my full support!

Yeah I mean, Sym’s kit is so empty when u think about it (no passive, no way for gun to interact with allies, no second gun, etc.) I don’t see why she can’t have both.

I would also absolutely LOVE to be able to place a barrier around an enemy like you suggested, especially a flanking Tracer or a DVA who wants to wreck ur ultimate. Especially cause she’d relfect her own splash damage micro missiles inside the barrrier, and seriously damage herself.

My problem with Photon Barrier is that it feels like the ability of an off-tank, not a support. I do like the ability and want it in game, but not on Sym, I don’t think it works for her.

I’d swap it with a low cool down over-shield she casts onto a hero like a zarya bubble meets a mini Lucio ult. That would be an actual support ability, making a teammate basically a tank for a second or two, assisting pushes, enabling escapes or whatever.

Really? But Symmetra is all about shields and is a melee range hero with no other way to get into range to use her weapon. It seems to me like a forward-moving shield fits her extremely well.

Also, Brigitte is a healer/tank hybrid, so I see nothing wrong with a non-healer Support/tank hybrid.


Ikr, so sym will counter Tracer and Pharah (finally!) By putting them on time out for the whole duration or potentialy kill them with their ult. Strong counter to DVa, Junkrat, Reaper and make her a strong hero that she can win most 1v1
Countered by DF, Winston, Rein and Genji can still slice through the barrier.
She can protect the allied Rip tire and let it run on rampage, how cool is that???


I like your ideas. Personally i want 2 charges for the barrier with a new function. Holding the ability button for a second will spawn a slow moving photon barrier so symm can eat up more damage. I know symm isnt a main tank but i often barely reach 1k damage blocked for a whole match!

When u think of it:
Gun: offense
Turret: defense
Barrier: Tank
Ult: Support
She is a specialist, bliz designed her really well but her utility is not strong enough

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But so much about Sym = off-tank:

-Damage blocking (barrier)
-CC (slow from turrets)
-short range
-high health (with shields)

I’m fine with a tank support hybrid, but Sym doesn’t really do anything to support outside her ult with a few very specific exceptions like scout turrets.

Having her have a really long cooldown barrier seems like a poor engage tool to me, what would be better would be a sudden health boost gained by casting this overshield on yourself, an option I would want.

With that she can engage as she does now but also support the team by basicaly giving them a sudden burst of health at crucial moments, leting them ult freely, win a tricky 1v1 or lead a push into enemy fire.

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Hp boost is weaker than a barrier actually, a 1hp barrier can help you live a gainst a DVa bomb but 1 extra hp cant


For me it’s not about how much damage I block but how important the blocked damage was. Stopping the occasional ult from killing myself and one other person, or letting my team get into position without taking damage, even at only 1000 blocked damage, is higher value than blocking 5000 trash damage.

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That’s a very specific example, but yes its worse against a Dva bomb, or some other high damage direct hit.

The advantages would be as its not as strong you put it on a lower cooldown, as PB really is too long a wait, but reducing it’s cooldown could be a little too strong.

Also it’s very hard to co-ordinate the PB with the rest of your team outside ideal circumstances, but my idea would be a much easier way to help not just for your engage but enable your team, which is a supports job.