Movement impairent by firing is a bug >:)

So, we all know that D.Va and Orisa move slower when firing, to make up for their huge clips. As a result, they don’t move as far when subject to CC like Soundwave when they’re firing.

Illios Well is Lucio’s once again.

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“But it has been in the game since the beginning, its not a bug its a feature, reee”


Orisa was my go-to on Ilios, guess i’ll be using Sombra there as well if they go through with this.

It’s a bug fix; they’re supposed to go through this. That being said, you’ll still have fortify, and Lucio will have to get behind you with his really weak boop

cool i shall now dominate all control maps again as boostio! (except oasis, being rude with no easy enviro kill spots)

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Oasis university; up on the cliff. Someone always goes up there, and you can get there first

yeah but that’s only of the 3 parts, lijiang has 2 parts with easy ones and one part thats not too difficult, and ilios is 99% enviro kills anyway.

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I fully think it was intended and they’re just retconning it again (because why would only Orisa and D.Va have this bug? Orisa has a clip and D.Va doesn’t so the correlation isn’t there). That being said, I don’t care either way lol (edit: this wasn’t meant to be snarky btw sorry). Lucio’s been shadow-nerfed every patch lately and I don’t mind this.

Orisa and D.Va have slowed movement when they’re shooting. They’re the only two that have that mechanic

Oh right, lol. I knew that and forgot. I guess I can see where the “bug” would arise there since they’re moving more slowly, but it makes more sense for it to be an intended feature because they both have less margin for error to get out of the way.
But still, as someone who plays a lot of Lucio, D.Va, and Orisa, he could use it.

Yeah. NOt like it’s easy to get Enviromental kills on D.Va anyway

To be fair, it’s severely humiliating when it happens to you hahahahah

Well yeah, but that’s because you can fly

No quite. Dropping Orisa and switching to Sombra on control maps means more direct engagements with Lucio. KoTH is the game mode where flankers end up circling around the control point instead needing to penetrate defensive positions.

It’s also the mode where Lucio most often leaves his team and runs off by himself trying to get behind the tanks and get boops. As a rear anchor tank, Orisa’s the one that runs into him the most and is basically the one that defends the back line from Lucio, in the same way/principle that Bastion defends the backline from Winston.

Orisa’s fortify is meant to help her bodyblock her team when her shield goes down, if she ends up using her abilities just to keep herself alive instead of defending her team with it, she’s a liability and might as well switch out. Orisa is a big slow target (actually worse than slow, she’s stationary as she needs to stay behind her shield to protect her critbox) that’s constantly being circled and booped by Lucio (Lucio is harder for Orisa to hit than Genji).

It may actually be more prudent to stop tanking and go Sombra considering how often Lucio goes solo on Control maps.

If this ‘fix’ goes through, it’ll be a nerf on Lucio’s counter and there won’t be much chance of the hack effect on Lucio getting reverted.