Movement ability on Ana?

Ana is currently the worst support with lifeweaver, they share around 45% win rate both and the 3rd support are in the 50% range. She is so vulnerable compared to other support that her kit became useless, nade is the most valuable one, but on a 15 sec coldown, with new hero Venture gettin all that movement, she’s gonna get worst. Give her some movement stuff plz

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heard enough… next


Okay. What will she get? A dive? She’ll bust a hip!

Give her invisibility

Yeah, not useful. You dive Ana and she cloaks. Shoot the local area.

Stop crying. Try playing zen that has no defensive ability, no CC and has a huge hitbox. Ana has nade to heal herself and damage the flanker, she has a tiny hit box and she has sleep. Blizzard unfortunately buffed AIDS characters like Sombra and Tracer.

Snap kick became a defensive ability when they gave it CC (knockback)

They nerfed it a few weeks ago, it isn’t that good anymore. Also, they have to be really close to you. You can’t bully rein anymore.


Nah Ana is fine. Every hero has to have some weak spots, mobility is Ana’s.

Give her wall-climb. Just she does it slow, granny style.