"move on with mercy" fallacy

I hope so I want my new symmetra already stop making me wait :sob:

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At this point it’s like the guy that’s still trying to get the girl after being rejected twice…except this time the girl went and got married and had kids and got a restraining order

If I were blizz at this point I would like double down…include a line about how they’re not changing mercy in every patch notes…or just flat out make another change to drive the point across…“increased mercy’s fun by X% across all her abilities”

100% agreed.

20 characters

Just because I don’t like 6 heroes doesn’t means I don’t like the game :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

  • A forced meta disliked by a vast majority of the community.
  • You get punished for your teammates leaving competitive matches.
  • Reworks that either make heroes OP or UP.
  • Updates are either rushed (Sombra nerf) or takes forever to be put live (Mercy and Brig nerfs).

To name a few.

not normally, but you said yourself you feel pressured to play 6 heroes you don’t like. so do you like the game or not? you don’t sound like you do at all.

sounds like overwatch is in deep trouble. players will start leaving any day now.

any day now

Yes I feel pressured to play them when playing against a team with these heroes, when your team does not have these heroes, results in a loss.

Do I still find this game fun? Yes. The concept of “team based shooter with classes” is very fun to me.

If another game comes around like Overwatch, I will most likely leave this game for that because of the general direction this game is heading.

Paladins is a close one for me, I play it from time to time when I’m getting irritated by Overwatch.

so you don’t enjoy playing the game, you enjoy the idea of the game.


Those changes weren’t because it could be abused. It was because Mercy sucked. She was the attack Torb/Symm equivalent of healers.

Mercy used to have a 40m Resurrect that locked her in place until her resurrect animation was done. They DID realize that range was too impractical and Mercy was too vulnerable while being rooted.

They changed Resurrect to no longer have rooting in exchanged for a MUCH reduced radius. But this still didn’t help. Mercy was still trash.

She then received a healing buff to 60 HPS (from 50) and 1s out-of-combat healing (down from 3s).

But that STILL wasn’t enough. Mercy was. Just. Trash. So they gave her invulnerability frames while she resurrected, which meant she no longer had any counterplay unless you dealt with her before the fight or after the Resurrect was already up. People didn’t like this. It also meant Mercy was guaranteed to survive and support the teammates she resurrected, assisting in successfully stalling/winning the fight (unlike before, where her team would basically lose again because the main healer died using her ult).

Finally, we have a broken version of Mercy that STILL isn’t balanced, and her pick rates and stats support this. Mercy gets AS MANY resurrects on average as she used to with Mass Res. See the problem? She CONTINUES to have the SAME amount of resses. On an ABILITY. As she did when it was an ULTIMATE. And now it can be used at will. And now she also has MUCH more survivability, MUCH more mobility, chain heals/boost, flight, and uninterrupted healing. She now has the highest pick rate in all tournaments when she used to have a 0%. Just because the power isn’t as immediately apparent, doesn’t mean that she isn’t more broken than Mercy 1.0 was. It’s diluted to LOOK less powerful, but in return is 3x more broken than Mercy 1.0 was.

My sentence that followed has mislead you. I find the game fun, but what i’m trying to get at is that i find the genre of the game fun. If another game came around that was just as good as Overwatch and the same genre, I would leave this game for it.

because every single mistake can make your team tilt (not rezzing the right guys because stupid mistakes), and tilt =/= for you

I’m not disputing your experience and your explanation is much more nuanced and plausible than the general “hiding Mercy” trope (I’ve even heard accusations of hiding in the spawn) that the Mercy haters love to drag out in every balancing discussion. In fact a temporary tactical withdrawal to stay alive so you can keep the team up happens even now with no mass res. If I see Hanzo positioning himself for Ult or I hear the first line of “Ogon po gotovnost” I quickly move out of position to safety while still observing the objective and healing who I can (I’ll probably pop Valk as well to maximize the opportunity for their survival) and survey the Battlefield to see who will survive and who needs to be res’d to regain lost momentum.

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Preach honey. I’ve been saying this for the longest time.

ignoring people is part of basic communication so i think he’s got it down.