Most toxic playerbase i've ever seen

two matches in a row and get blamed by someone on the team. Yes, you’re just so perfect. You played absolutely perfectly. Just 100% perfect. You’re right. it is 100% my fault we lost the game. I hate this game but I can’t stop coming back for more abuse. Bravo Blizzard.


2 matches in a row? Rookie numbers


so avoid the person?


Why is match chat still in the game even


I finally gave up on caring about anything in the game anymore, just because of how abusive people are. I want to play the game, but not deal with their bull. So I turn match and team chat off. I’ve sent my fair share of support tickets off on these problems. If the CEO won’t clean up his act. I highly doubt he has motivation to fix the game.

I Q for Quickplay Classic, and if it drops me in as a last priority SOLO Q player for it. So be it. I get jammed up with Plenty of Buddy stackers that are so caustic, the EPA needs a separate pollution regulation bill passed, just to handle their toxic waste.


We are stuck with the problems and the troublesome players that exist.

My approach to this is:

Nobody has respect for one another anymore. Buddy stacks (premades) have their healers, they won’t peal for ANYONE, then blame SOlo Q players for loss. So I figured. Why bother waiting in chat hoping they might have a useful call-out or an ult combo they want to do. Just turn it off and leave it off. It makes the game 1,000x more enjoyable.

The Match maker prioritizes STACKERS first, and then dumps in the Solo Q players to fill it in.

98% of those stackers are try-hards that refuse to play competitive, they are abusive, caustic personas consuming Space, air, water and earthly resources while they melt away their life In Overwatch, instead of playing the game for enjoyment. They ruin it for the casual scene.

At this point. I just leave my headphones OFF so I don’t have to hear their repeated IQ5000 voicelines of

    spammed 50,000 times.

I just don’t even care if I eat an ULT anymore. So I just leave my headset off, just so I don’t have to hear another voiceline GRATING my ears.


Being named “DPSMoira” probably doesn’t help, ahem…


Then you’ve seen nothing. We need to put this snowflake forum on some Russian servers in cs/dota, and you will get to know what GULAG means. OW community are pussycats compared to that.


The way people arbitrarily select scapegoats, I feel it is harder to get blamed for everything many times in a row as there is always the 75% chance they go after someone else.

No idea what my record is, personally, but it probably isn’t that much higher than 2.

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Honestly, it’s just an anecdote, but I have had 100% worse experiences in Valorant than in Overwatch


Sadly, all fps games are like that. A lot of people really need to touch grass. That is why Nintendo won’t put them into their games.



I got you fam.


At least this game doesnt have vote to kick.

Vote to kick is absolutely the worst part of a team game. Even in games like l4d people pick a scapegoat every game and kick.


And you are named… DPSMoira… Huh?

Also play LoL, Dota 2 or CSGO and then come back. :slight_smile:


Kinda puts a target on them lol :rofl:

It’s competitive game, jesus. No friends here, only future enemies you may have to deal with next game.

Depends from how OP act. If they try to boss teammates around and tell them, what to do, they may enjoy a lot more, than 2. Using nickname “DPSMoira” definitely isn’t helping.

Some people just have that suspicious feeling about them. That gets them voted out in Among Us with zero evidence.



it’s always the funniest :poop: to me when I KNOW I am the problem, but people are at each other’s throats because their blame shifting is practically RNG


What did you done?

I mean theres must be a reason.

If You did your best and give your 100% then… That was unlacky and sorry to hear that.

But yea one someone start spaming to report me coze reason and it was someone from enemy team (I Played full team with friends), so they loose coze that one person spend whole game been salty to me.
Oh… and also I use wallhack and soft aim on console…
Wallhack → widow ult
Softaim → aimhelper idk name… Besides I turn off for some Heroes like Ana. And every game on console got this. And that guy also Play on console so… Yea he lost 1v1 Ana v Ana, Meany times.

The other sytuation was we win and someone from enemy team type “ez” and hes squad start flameing him and end of this story is… That person get baned.

Yup name sure checks out

Pretty much this.

Generally most players in the game are the same mmr/sr so ‘lecturing’ the team is usually a surefire way to get everyone’s backs up, especially if they’ve witnessed the player in question playing poorly…

…and the name…I know it’s probably supposed to be a joke but it isn’t helping… :upside_down_face:

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