Most dog matchmaking in all of gaming

7 years and they can’t get it right


every time they get something decent

blizz devs are like

matchmaker goes complete garbo

You’re not wrong lol. One of the worst match makers of all fps games.

devs: “oh we’re implementing changes to improve it”
devs: “hold on NOW we think it’ll be fixed”
devs: “hold on NOW NOW we think it’ll be fixed”

Rinse and repeat season after season lmao they have no clue

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Season 2 to 3 they reduce the update frequency from 7 to 5 to improve the experience. By season 6 we’ll be back at updating every game just like Overwatch 1.

It is 100% the worst matchmaker ever created.

What’s funny is they spent millions to try and CONTROL the whole experience. They want to control it. We don’t like streaks? They try to minimize them. We don’t like smurfs? They try to cancel them out with horrible teammates (and anyone who wins a few games is treated this way).

Every single step of the way, they have a stranglehold on the matches, trying to FORCE it to be fun.

Guess what, that’s what makes it NOT fun.

Turn the crap off. It’s a good game, other than the matchmaker which ruins it entirely.

They refuse to do it. They want CONTROL.

They are completely utterly ret4rded

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Even though blizzard does have a strangle hold on the games there’s no excuse to call them names

It is beyond ridiculous at this point.

We’ve said all we can say about it. Typing the same thing over and over, I’m tired of it.

Players LOATHE this matchmaker. It’s hated with a passion. It’s being called, all over the place, as as the WORST OF ALL TIME.

Microsoft. Someone. Listen.

Replace whoever has anything to do with this matchmaker.