Most annoying ways to die?

What is your scale/list for most annoying ways to die? Here’s my personal list:

  1. Doom punching you into a wall

  1. Rein charging and magnetically sucking you into his charge even tho you jumped 8 feet to the left in time then squishing you against a wall

  1. Barraging within 10 feet of any wall, ceiling, floor, payload, barrier, shield, icewall, sym wall, bubble, meka, enemy player, or stray hanging lamp post and you immediately annihilate yourself into dust from splash damage

  1. Trying to rapidly peek around a corner and fire off sneaky rockets as Pharah but one clips the wall and you suicide

  1. Playing Mercy with a team who all 5 of them don’t know you exist, they never help you ferry fly back from spawn, and you fall off a ledge and spam “group up” 84 times but nobody comes to help and you float to your death

  1. Dying to Winston on Brig just feels bad when you’re instinctively holding up shield to save yourself and you don’t have bash/whipshot ready, but he just walks towards you and you are zapped to death with no way to escape

  1. Catching an ulting Genji in your Brig combo and it ejects him away at the end but he just swift strikes back to you and kills you anyway every time

  1. Getting stuck with a pulse bomb

  1. Dying as Pharah 99.99999969% of the time midair when any of the various autoaim no-aim required ults go off (deadeye, tac visor, BOB, old molten core, self destruct [even tho its not an aim ult it still is the same effect of killing you])

  1. McFlashed then McFanned

Random unaimed hanzo/junkrat spam.


Got to say this is extremely relatable.


Hit in the head by a random Hanzo sonic arrow that he meant to hit on a wall.


Dying to swift strike


Doomfist dropping down on you, giving you no chance to retaliate.
Tracer running around you like an annoying fly.
Genji, always.
Hanzo spamming arrows at random that magically attach to your head


Getting sleep darted in mid air as Wrecking Ball, landing on a Junkrat trap, getting hacked, then frozen, then Rein charges you into the Mei wall and all you can do is sob :sob:


My favorite is always getting punched and being knocked flying and then at the very end of it where I feel like I’m safe I tap the wall ever so slightly and die

  1. Getting sucked into a Reinhardt pin. I was 2 feet away from him! How?!
  2. Getting punched my Doomfist into a wall.
  3. Getting killed by anything from Pharah annoys me because my hatred for her goes above and beyond.
  4. Good Tracer’s and Genji’s will always be the death of me.
  5. Dying to anything as Symmetra gets me upsetti spaghetti

Being frozen by mei three times in a row and she doesn’t use her secondary fire just to rub it in.


That’s just sadistic.


Did she melee you at all? I can’t lie, I’ve done that before.


There’s only 1: Dying to a Hanzo headshot when the Hanzo didn’t even know you were there and was just spamming Arrows in the general direction of the enemy team.


Death Recap

thwip, miss, my Ally runs across his field of view, thwip, miss, same ally is trying to shoot Hanzo, lands a hit doing 30 damage, thwip, I walk into frame to support my ally, PLINK! I’m down, without adjusting aim, Hanzo fires another arrow, PLINK! My ally is down

Enemy (thinking)

I kill the same Hanzo as Symmetra with my beam when he tries to use storm arrow to kill me when I had 2 seconds time to approach him and gain max charge.

Teabag deserved.


Yeah, that’s the one. :smiley:

Dying to Mei in any manner that involves her Primary or Ult

Junk spam is up there, too

  1. A WM1 Rallying Brig. For me, it is pure BM, because of the sheer amount of shame I received.
  2. Lucio’s boop in Illios Well. NOT LIKE THIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiisss!
  3. Seeing a Mccree who can’t hit anything but kill me with Flash FtH. Now that is just sad.
  4. Random Hanzo’s arrow.
  5. Got hooked into environmental death.
  6. Nanoblade when I missed my sleepdart. Which happens a lot.
  7. Solo ult. I am the uncrowned king of being solo ulted.

Spamzo headshot 4head

type “taxi?” it usually works

that used to happen a lot back in 2016 it’s a lot less common nowadays… i guess people got better at the game

when ya blink straight into a widow headshot that was aimed at someone else

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