Moria is too strong she needs a nerf to fade CD

I think I found your problem. This has nothing to do with Moira, and everything to do with your choice of target, your choice of hero, and probably your aim.

  1. If they have a Moira, you should probably target the other support.
  2. If there is nothing you can flank by playing Genji, switch.
  3. Fade is on a 6 second cooldown. You watched her use it, and attacked…and you still couldn’t kill her in a whole 6 seconds. You’re clearly not hitting headshots in that case, another reason to get off Genji.

Yet another post complaining about moira. Really? Nerf fade just because an moira escaped from your hands? Lmao

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In which case the Genji needs to learn the rules of rock, paper scissors. If you know someone is going to keep playing paper, would you carry on playing rock? Not only that, would you then complain that paper is unfair and the rules should be changed so that paper is beaten by rock, because you like rock?

If Moira ‘beats’ Genji, stop playing Genji. The Genji player is still at fault here for their poor judgement.

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The logic behind that statement suggests no one should complain about anything at any rank then.

I was Bronze in season 3 is OW1.

I am GM now.

My concerns are equally valid now as they were then. Just as we can’t nerf Widow to the ground as she dominates in GM as she would be a complete throw pick in bronze, we can’t nerf Moira either because is absolute trash in GM.

That doesn’t make OPs post less valid but him/her and you are equally guilty of not understanding matters outside your rank but you are being dismissive.

We love to see the tears of Gengu players!!

“OMG i lost in 1v1 duel while having better mobility, better (burst) damage and better everything, nerf pls.”

I mean, I started bronze 4 with OW2 and am now in masters, so I understand what you have to do at different ranks and how some things work in one rank, but not another.

This person isn’t learning any of that though. They don’t understand what a counter is, and instead want a counter to a hero they like playing nerfed so that they don’t have to adapt. Yes, I will be dismissive of that.

You should’ve used your dash to grab that healthpack.

As a Genji main, this is simply a poorly done engagement. You probably used dash to close the distance (you shouldn’t) and didn’t hit your shots, she got away and you chased a kill you couldn’t confirm. This is an error on your part regardless on the engagement, I only go for moiras once I hear fade go out.


skill issue

Complaining at the 2nd worst support next to Lifeweaver. She brings no utility to the team and to compensate her kit she needs to do a decent amount of damage to be effective towards the team. What happens next when she rans out of juice?

You may not understand this yet, but as a support, only having decent dueling ability and a good escape isn’t good. It’s actually pretty bad.

A decent Moira will not die to a decent Genji, and even win most of the time. Especially if she sees him coming.

Also, his projectiles are not as consistent as her grasp and at max range of grasp, it favors Moira. Genji is only favored in a duel if he is close enough for Moira to not be able to dodge them. In that case, he can win with his usual shuriken burst + sword strike combo. But only and only if he can get close enough to Moira, which would imply that the Moira player isn’t savvy enough to keep an eye on flankers (you as Genji).

Maybe you (or rather other people in this threat) could argue it’s still a skill issue on the Genji player’s part, but Moira losing to him is a strategy/game awareness issue on the Moira player’s part.

As far as I’ve seen, decent Moira and Genji players will either focus other heroes rather than engaging each other (Moira heals, Genji gets DPSs and the other support). Or, if they do, they disengage because the duel is taking too much time that would be better invested elsewhere.

If both players are not on the same level then yes, one or the other gets killed relatively easily by whoever is better (obviously).


Just imagine about complaining about Moira as Genji. This is honestly a skill issue. If you dove her while Fade is on cooldown- freshly at that, and she fade again, went to grabbed a health pack and came back to kill you, then so much times was wasted or mechanically you was not hitting your shots.

Thus this is not a Moira issue, but more so a skill issue. With time those issue will resolve itself from the matter, but yeah this is not a Moira issue.

I would argue that if you climbed that fast, you weren’t really bronze in the first place or learn at a pace faster than the people I’m talking about here which are the vast majority of the playerbase

Genji x Moira player.

Agreed. I also pay attention to if they’ve burned orb or not, although deflect is there for that. Having dash to follow up on her fade or clean up at the end or disengage is way more useful than using it to engage. He probably dashed right in without throwing a volley at all first.

Why can’t you simply say it’s Moira, why do you say Moria??

You didnt’ even read my post. I started the engagement after she used fade. My post was only 3 sentences long. You should feel shame.

This is kind of ironic

I don’t know about that. What I do know is that it seemed obvious to me when something was and wasn’t working. It should be obvious to Genji players not to stay on Genji versus beam heroes or undivable supports. It isn’t something that needs to change about the game itself to accommodate them.

I kinda doubt that a person with over 5k replies on this forum is new…

Tracking cooldowns of enemies is part of the skill in this game.
Kiriko used Suzu? Now I have a good timeframe to use antinade, sleep, JQ ult, etc.
Rein just used both his fire strikes? Now we can poke him quite easily.
Mei just used her wall? Now we can push through the choke safely
And well, Moira just used fade and/or orb? Now is a good time to jump her.

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