More Crosshair / Hitmarker styles

Can we have more styles for our crosshairs and hitmarkers, please? One good crosshair style could be a tri-haired, Crysis’ styled one, at 60º (so it doesn’t overlap with the default hitmarker) or a rangefinder one for Junkrat (like Zarya’s).


I really like the one from Crysis.

I also liked the ones from Black Ops 1:


I like the idea of more crosshairs.

I also want a HEX COLOR system for the crosshairs, because no one else had the privledge to have Jeff K read the first few replies on the crosshair thread.

That’s why “bubblegum pink” made it in but a lot of colors did not.

I also want to have different crosshairs for Bastion too, including his tank mode.

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I need hybrid crosshairs BAD