More avoid slots. We need more

I would GLADLY take longer queue times, if it means I can stop getting placed with bottom bronze who’ve never gone past playing Roblox murder mystery. It’s insane, the amount of people that somehow do worse than if a normal person straight up threw. 6v6 doesn’t fix stupid.


Q times are already getting back to OW1 levels but Blizzard will most likely just loosen up the MM even more to keep them lower.

teammates bad

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tilt harder

When there were only 3, I totally understand. But now, how many do you need? If you are avoiding that many people then maybe the problem is you.

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How many are there now?

15 and 3 permanent ones, or 15 and 3 of those are permanent

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SombrasFeet9 beat me to it. 15 total and 3 you can make permanent. You can also order them by preference. By default the oldest go away first. And if you add more then it just pushes the bottom one off the list so you don’t have to manage the list if you don’t want to.

Sure, let’s make it like WoW where if you block people, it counts as never having them in your group again. Surely, that won’t mean 20 mins+ queues…right?

But at that point, it’s entirely up to you. If the queue times are becoming an issue, then you can remove people from the list. I don’t mind waiting longer if it means I can actually play the game.

Then to lose to smurfs, cheaters or wintrading teammates? Pick your poison.

You’re not going to play the game the way you want even if the queue times are longer. Get used to it or find a group of dedicated people who share your same values.

I suspect OP would never be satisfied with their teammates

When I play (usually on my day off) I’ll play for approx 5-10 hours that day. After every game that is lost due to 1 player playing their role considerably poorly.

Over the course of the full day I would easily ban 10 + people. I would also appreciate more OP ngl