Month #5 of this Trash

Yeah I got less playtime in last 5 months than a single week of OW1. :smiley:

This game isnt good when compared to OW1. But OQ is pretty good now when tanks got nerfed.

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I want a pony and I want it NOW!

Just randomly pick some QoL improvements and throw a tantrum when they don’t get implemented. SOP for the forum.

An option to remove your oldest avoid slot when you add a 4th avoid would be nice. Having to go in and manually make space gets pretty annoying. More slots would be better though. And map avoids would be even better still for QP.


What we really need is proof of the aim-assist/resist, hitbox scaling, i/o throttling, noregs. It’s unbearable and obviously there but hard to prove.

The shooter part of the shooter doesn’t work properly. And the game is completely depersonalized (no visible compare between players) and alienating (no voice, chat gets you banned, no FLG).

Like what? Figuring out how to rig the game? The shooter part of their shooter is STILL getting bug reports…since beta.

This studio is rub-off tier. If it’s not fixed by now, it’s because they have the wrong people working there.


It is easy for them to do the bare minimum when people happily take slaps to the face and believe every word these fools will say, as an added bonus some will take a slap to the face and spend $20 on skins, funding what is essentially just garbage at this point across the board. That money hasn’t improved anything, but they’ll swear up and down that it has.

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That’s just me but 80% of your suggestions fall in one of these categories:

  • bad for the game (map voting, surrender option, draw option)
  • already explained why it won’t come (pickrate indicator)
  • technical limitations (more than 3 avoid slots, solo-queue) → because longer queue times
  • improves toxicity (toxic account alert)

The only thing I like is more feedback after reporting an account but that’s already kinda there. At least I get a lot of notifications when reporting someone. But yeah it could be more.

Well it’s certainly proof that you don’t know what you’re talking about at the very least.

Beg to differ.

Many games are now supporting solo-queue competitive gameplay.

I’ve been queuing Destiny 2 for almost a year now, and the “Freelance ______” modes are basically the only tolerable forms of PVP.

All it takes is queuing in open formats to go up against constant player stacks making the game near unplayable.

Destiny has waaayyyy less coordination required for success, yet if it even exists in the slightest thanks to a stack, it generally tilts the lobby in favor of the stack.

That said, queue times are longer in freelance thanks to most players opting to queue in pairs or with clans.

Overwatch would wildly benefit from a solo-queue. More players would opt into queueing comp, thereby decreasing queue times.

Simultaneously, stacks wouldn’t be able to boost accounts so easily given more even fields of comming.

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…lots of suggestions people make don’t make it in to the game, unsure what your point is…? :thinking:

The game COULD be profitable and problems WOULD go away. They just dont want to change their business model because then they would have to eat the infamous;

"I-told-you-so-cake", for breakfast. I mean sure, its gross. Its not fun to eat the SUPER gross and Salty frosting, it tastes bad. But the “solved problem” maple sugar and honey filling is wonderful!


In reality ALL they had to do was ask 40 dollars for the base GAME, stop putting it on SALE, offer players to EARN in-game currency after every completed MATCH , and after a few hundred coins they earned, buy a LOOTBOX without real-world currency.

Then they could have stuck a REASONABLE price on SKINS for the game, instead of thinking they need to sell skins like 30 dollar WoW mounts and make accounts valued at over 8 GRAND with everything UNLOCKED. Nobody is going to SPEND 8 large on a GAMING account, except maybe the CEO of this company, but hes RICH. Most of us here wouldn’t spend that in an extreme GAMING title budget , much less one game.

The thing that does hurt the company most is, they dont listen to anyone and this forum is something they dont even bother to utilize.

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Remember when they had unlimited “prefer player” spots. You could actually get balanced teams because you could essentially pick the players that ended up in your games if they were online and in queue with similar SR as you.

It was so good

Can we all agree that this is in no way a part 2 of a game? It’s more like patch 1.52acrap

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think you’re tough sh*t eh

necroing a thread 2 months later to post this amateur bait after having a post deleted this morning already

lmao, dedicated

Idk who necroed it, but I’d say OP is still right.

Basic QoL changes like Avoid Slots, KBM for Console, Map Voting, Most played heroes icon and various other implements would be nice. Pushing 7 years without any of them…:grimacing:

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His post got deleted. Babykiddo or something. Had a thread deleted earlier as well.

I do think all those QoL’s except for most played heroes would be alright. I don’t think MPH would do much besides get people harassed into a character or out of one. I can see why some people might like that, but it seems kind of arbitrary and not entirely helpeful. I get that people would like to form cohesive compositions with each other…

Well, maybe something people could opt into, that might not be so bad, but of course we’d just have people complaining about Private MPH’s lol.